Impact Racing's concern for safety

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Chuck Anderika, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. irf3

    irf3 New Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    Let me rephrase my statement. It was probably a small group of employes. In no way do i think Bill Simpson knew what was going on and he had a bad manager running his company. My point was after this happened you can bet your life it will never happen again. When you are in buisness for yourself you sometimes have to count on people to run things. In my company we have alot of checks and balances to prevent a problem from ever happening. The main thing was nobody was hurt and the problem was caught. It is now being resolved. I feel when impact went through this it was a nightmare. As a racer i feel secure with their new 15 fire suits as they have been under a very tough microscope. What more do you want them to do. If they went out of buisness i would have been out alot of money. This is the 3rd suit that i have recieved. The second one was temporary until new suite passed. What happened at impact can happen at most any company unless you put in checks and balances. You live and learn in buisness.
  2. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    All well and good but 2 things, from running my own company first of all you the owner are responsible for your employees actions either good or bad.Secondly your employees are a reflection of you.
    We put alot of trust in the safety equipment they are supposed to be the professionals that design this to work as best it can to minimize the injury,granted somethings cant be 100 % injury free.But were talking ethics here.
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    If you honestly believe what you posted to be true then good luck with your purchases. There will always be a few that fail to get it, and maybe enough who think like you to keep him in business.

  4. Richard Putz

    Richard Putz Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 18, 2004
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    How Much Stupidity Can Some People Have !

    Randy I agree with you, if someone is dumb enough to run Impact products apparently they have not been reading all of the bad stuff they put out over the years and must not value there life. The guy on this thread said they will probably never have a bad suit again ! Has he not heard of the fake Hans Pins Impact put on there helmets since the suit problem. Also being one of the people involved from the very beginning in Impacts junk firesuits ordeal I can testify that they did more to cover up the issue than to try to nip the problem in the but. I called Impact repeatedly trying to talk to Bill Simpson himself about the problem they had with the bad suits as I had one, But he was always to busy to talk to me. When I posted a letter on this sight warning all of our racing friends and family about the unsafe fire suits, Bill Simpson took the time to tell I believe it was Kelly to call me up and threaten to SUE me if I did not take the letter off.( Real Big Of Him, Why Didn't He Call Me Himself. He Allways Hides Behind His Employees so when something goes wrong he can tell the public it was a workers fault so he doesn't look bad for some of the shady stuff he does). You tell me how many business owners making saftey products would not take the time to talk to a customer who has purchased there product and notified them of a problem? (One Bill Simpson). Randy I do not know how to cut and paste a thread but maybe you need to cut some info from the original thread. Or maybe we should find and pull up the original post and add this to it. It is nice to see some of the pro teams start realizing it is not worth the risk to keep running Impact Products. I have the utmost respect for these teams. The saddest thing about the whole ordeal is that NHRA does not do anything to stop the problem. I and many of our fellow racers believe it is all politics and money!!!!! Impact tried to get the public to believe none of there suits failed SFI testing. I dare them to put the results from SFI on this site as I know my suit failed along with many others. I allways post my name on this site when I respond so no one can ever say I hide behind my computer, I wish everyone else would have the decency to do the same. Richard Putz
  5. irf3

    irf3 New Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    I went one step further and personally talked to SFI to ease my concerns. Their new suit that was just released went through strict testing at SFI. If you want i will post telephone # of SFI. Most all of nascar teams still are using impact. I had no other option but to lose my money. Jegs must have been dumb too because they ordered hundreds of suits. As far as the other stuff being bad i can not comment. I also do not represent impact. Just telling my story. To the racer who broke the story i commend you. My name is on previous post on page 2. Who knows maybe they are a screwed up company, but i do know my suit is 100 percent ok.
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Richard is right on. For anyone who has a short memory...Both of us were there from the beginning. Richard's suit was the -15 that was initially tested at SFI. Ours was the -20 that was tested (brand new suit). The results were in and that's when the decertifying began. Then the lawsuit threats started rather than the guy owning up.

    SFI is a stand up organization that stood up to the heat. I'm glad they are around to keep an eye on things.

    Good luck with your purchases.


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