oliver rods and calies crank h.p.boost questions

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blownapex, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. blownapex

    blownapex Member

    May 25, 2006
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    i have a bracket car na 454 small block runs 8.90 at 2650lbs
    rons terminator on methanol
    1964 chevy 2
    havent drove it or raced it since buying my promod 5 years ago
    it has a dart raised cam tall deck aluminum water block,brodix 18 degree
    heads 454 inch i dont recall all bore/stroke
    oliver steel rods,calies crank
    iwas thinking of doing a pro charger f1 on pump gas and puting a blow off
    valve set at say 8-9psi to close and using a meth injection no intercooler
    so its drivable but when your in it hard the meth will controll
    questions i have
    any input would be apreciated
    1-oliver rods h.p. good to
    2-calies single keyed crank h.p. good to
    3-what fuel system on gas with meth injection
    (blow through carb on pump gas )
    (mechanical rons terminator on it now and can this be switched to gas)
    4-where can i buy a f1 complete set up
    5-what compression do i run
    6- by the way it needs to run say 7.80 1/4 mile=1100hp
    (na it makes 780hp 670 ft lbs on dyno but compression is high
    cranking comp is 275lbs this is on alcohol )
    7-any camshaft recomendations and i dont want it to be like my brad 5
    pulling valve covers and changing springs ,prelubing ahhhh

    any help or advise i dont want to do things twice i do that with
    the promod i just want a fun fast sunday car show car and
    wed night race car that maybe i dont have to work on much
    am i thinking wrong pump gas and alcohol injection above a
    certain boost
    i guess larry larsons comes to mind but not as fast posibly
    sorry for the big post but thanks
    duane rister

    8- how does boost reference work
    9- i dont want any computers or electronic injection
    maybe a few popets or pump loop or rpm controled
    leanout or richener( i can understand these)
    10- i really need to do pump gas`and i already have rons stuff
    thanks again
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2010
  2. blowntorana

    blowntorana New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    i have oliver steel rods in my blown bbc(25 lbs boost on methanol)they have been great,just dont detonate it and they are fine.when i spoke to oliver they said that they have some offshore powerboat racers running them up to2200hp!.
    they do have upgraded rod bolts available now too,they are called custom age 625 bolts,
    275 on the comp gauge 13 or 14 to 1?sounds a little high for blown application if you want reliability.
    what comp ratio are you running+timing?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010

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