Help on Lenco and Gearing

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Tony Bolt, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. Tony Bolt

    Tony Bolt New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
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    I don’t know anything about a Lenco. I’m not sure on what gearing to use in the Trans or Rear End. Not sure what is the difference between a CS1 or CS2 and a coarse or fine spline? I will list what I have and maybe if someone will teach me a little about a lenco and gearing for a big tire car. 1/8 Mile Tracks

    2700 lbs. Door Car
    113 in wheel base
    22.5 X 35 Hoosier DOT's or Slick up to 34.5.
    AJ 481X 526 K-11 Blower at 20%

    Here is the Info on the Bruno Lenco
    CS1 Bruno Lenco 3-speed. 1.25 Shaft Fine Spline.
    1.88 Low Gear

    In all what I guess I’m asking is will the Trans work or could I use it and switch a section for the different ratio to make it work. I don’t want to get it and have to buy all different ratios. Also what gear to put in the rear end?
    Any info or suggestion would be much appreciated! Thanks Tony
  2. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    CS1 has 1 inch wide gear
    CS2 has 3/4 inch gear

    CS1 is center shift
    CS2 is offset

    Is it a lenco drive/ bruno or clutched?
    Does yous have the large sprag 1inch or the small 0.800?

    Lencos are easy to work on just read the Lenco page and take your time and note where things were when you pulled it apart.

    As for gearing

    search some of my previous posts I'm still trying to find out that though the info so far has been great.
  3. Tony Bolt

    Tony Bolt New Member

    Apr 5, 2009
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    It's a lenco bruno with a convertor. Not sure on the sprag, have not seen or ask about it. Going in the morning to look at it.
    Will a CS2 hold up to a 481X?
    Which spline is perfered? Fine or Coarse
  4. paint guy

    paint guy Member

    Sep 6, 2008
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    if you have a choice go with the cs1 fine spline.don't touch the course spline stuff for that combo.have you checked your pm's?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2010
  5. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    I didn't think a CS2 bolted up to the Bruno? But have no real idea on that as I have a clutched CS1.

    Coarse spline is the old style but when I asked lenco if I should change they didn't answer either way.

    Call lenco they are good to deal with.
  6. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    i have only had the cs-1 coarse spline lencos and i have never had any trouble with them not even a flipped sprag in my funny car but i did go with the large sprags a few years ago
  7. jerry hunt

    jerry hunt New Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    I, Have a cs2 bruno fine spline in a 2800lb pro mod 526 veney hemi no problems just keep plenty of bottle pressure real close to same ratios you have. Good Luck:cool:
  8. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    a CS2 wont bolt up to a Bruno drive unit,
    I have a CS2 in my pro mod, with a clutch and a 521 bae i tore up 1 sprag in two years

    fine spline is stronger but i know a lot of corse spline CS1 stuff being used in big cars,
    everyone says you shouldnt,
    id use what you got and if it dont hold up replace it,
    but as you say you have fine spline its ok,

    what you got will handle a your engine
  9. jerry hunt

    jerry hunt New Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    I, Dont know why you say cs2 wont bolt up to a bruno? mine must be the only one? bought 2 units brand new from Bruno this way.
  10. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    your more on the ball than i was, I dont know what i was thinking either:rolleyes:
    I was actuly thinking of lencodrives and CS1 modules
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2010
  11. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    My Bruno has two different patterns, I always thought it was for a cs-1 and cs-2, maybe a 2 and a B&J. You're already ahead of the game with the 1.25" shaft, I talked with Bruno Sr. about a month ago about upgrading to the big shaft, about $1200, he said I 'd be better off to sell it and get a new big shaft unit. I asked what he felt the turbo shaft unit would hold and he said easily 2000hp and not to worry for what I'm running, mostly quick-8 and 7.00 index, w/557 KB/Veney with extremely mild tune. Had zero problems since changing over from a PG the year before, other than planatery gear in reverser (operator malfunction) My gearsets are 1.25 and 1.41 for a 1.76 first gear in a 2125# car with 4.10 rear. Think your 1.88's should be a good starting point with convertor, might be a little tall with a clutch though.

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