The Green NHRA

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Bob Kraemer, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Randy - The oil deal is a good idea. Very green. Not to mention cost effective. Even the 2.5 gallon jugs work good. I use Lucas. Proud sponsor of the NHRA.
    I detect you have a strong hatred for Al Gore because after he served in the military, then in government for more than 18 years he makes money on books and speeches. WOW! You must absolutely detest Sarah Palin. 11 million dollars for a book deal - 10,000 bucks for a speech to the tea party.... and millions and millions of dollars more rolling in every day- all after running away from office after only 24 months!
  2. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Will - You're right about the hypocrites, but you can't always tear someone down 100% simply because they are not true to their cause 100% of the time. George Washington ate well and lived in a warm house while his men froze and starved to death at Valley Forge. I guess that would make him a hypocrite? Of course not.
    I know about hypocrites. I was one. No one used more break clean than me - at home and at the track. Perhaps it was watching a family member die of brain cancer and then having a friend tell me how his sister died of the same thing. A result of working at a factory that had no regard for chemical safety with their employees. It was then that I started to think about what I was doing. There's a lot of small stuff we can all do that might make a difference - especially if it helps what we all care about... drag racing. Spewing hatred will net nothing.
  3. Harrytrans

    Harrytrans New Member

    May 18, 2008
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    Recycle recycle recycle

    Will hanna; you forgot to include religion,money and family to the don't ask,don't tell list.
  4. mbaker3

    mbaker3 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    I truly love this place! :D
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    You know what, Barack...I reread all my posts and no where did I say I hated anyone. No where did I mention his military service. No where did I mention his government service. But I do question his motivations in that while he tells me to turn down the thermostat in my house, he consumes more energy in that house of his in one week than I do in mine in one year. FACT. He's a hypocrit, and we (you) are the little people in their book.

    Al Gore is propigating massive lies on the American public that have caused businesses all over to shut down which costs jobs and has ruined lives. Policies are being put into place that costs the average tax payer thousands of dollars based on his hocus pocus MMGW crap. The American public is against Cap and Trade by a 2-1 margin. Knowing they will never get the votes Congress needs to pass C&T considering how badly Coakley performed when she lost Teddy Kennedy's seat held by Dems for almost 60 years to a Republican in a state that has less than 14% registered Republicans the administration literally said "F-You, Retards" (you know, the little people) "I'll appoint who I want to head the EPA and get it our way, anyway." Some representative republic we live in, huh? Or do you think we live in a democracy?

    You need to stop reading the weekly union rag you get in the mail and start thinking for yourself. Deflecting a discussion and throwing it on me by saying "I detect you have a strong hatred for Al Gore because..." is nothing more than the tired old (and typical) liberal-progressive way of changing the subject when you have no substance to offer or are overwhelmed by facts you can't refute which, by the way, you haven't.

    I think all of us agree that responsible environmental behavior is a must especially when we are racing our cars. Unfortunately, the environmental movement has been hijacked by fringe wacko's who want to take our sovereignity away by signing treaties in Copenhagen that usurp our Constitution and take away our Constitutional solve a problem that we have nothing to do with (alleged MMGW).

    Spend the evening doing a little research then get back to me, without deflecting, please.

    This discussion should be a heads up for racers and fans alike. If we want to keep ahead of the curve we need to be good stewards of our chemicals and solvents and set an example to our fellow racers. Robert Reehl said the EPA was in Pomona at the Finals. We all need to do our best and hope they liked what they saw. If not, kiss life at the drags as you know it good by.

    Is tire smoke a pollutant? Could it be illegal to pedal it in the future?:eek:


    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  6. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Randy you need to run for congress in Ca.!!!
  7. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    not sure but i expect at some point the epa will come down on them about this
    -OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 100 ppm (TWA)

    -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 20 ppm (TWA), A3 - Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans
  8. Bob Kraemer

    Bob Kraemer New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    I'm thinking more like President, as in POTUS :D

  9. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Randy - I got as far as "you know what, Barack..." and stopped. I'm assuming you meant that as an insult but I'm not insulted at all. Out of all the names I've been called that one is o k with me. I'm not entering the ring with you. Hatred is the strongest of all emotions. It requires a lot of energy. You must have a lot of energy. As for my end, this conversation is over. Good luck with your hot rod and be safe. Barry (Barack)

    Will - thanks.
  10. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    OK GUYS, I have to support Will here. I dont care about obama, gore, beck, bush, etc. stop it. the real problem is the EPA. repeat, the problem is the EPA. they dont answer to anybody. that is the real problem. WE need to get our ELECTED people to get them under control for sensible? rules. now as racers we do need to cleanup are act. I quit draining my oil in the backyard. years ago a certain hotrod mag actually showed a drawing on how to do it.:eek: instead of brake clean I use mineral base solvent to do most cleaning, its cheaper. I dont care if the world is freezing or melting. Im just trying to leave it little bit better. but not at the wacko levels some would have me do it. an electric pickup just wont work. and just a small point, its not alcohol;, its methonal, made from natural gas. not to be confused with hot air on this forum.:rolleyes: I also recycle all my broken aluminum; why isn't worth as much as new?
  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Don't get me started on 'government' agencies like the EPA that aren't elected officials and can make policy without any kind of vote....

    On the same note, chemical plants, factories and the like would really do a lot of environmental damage if left unchecked.

    The right answer is somewhere in the middle. Given the opportunity I'd kick 99% of the elected officials out of Washington and start over.
  12. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    middle ground

    it amazes me how many people I talk to that seem to be sensible middle ground folks. but where the hell do all these others come from? I can hardly wait till osha sets decibel levels for the top fuel (mufflers?). hearing conservation? huh. MSDS sheets in all race cars! I have some brake clean, swish, this stuff will clean atomic waste. I guess I'll leave it at home. and boy does it kill bees. no I dont want it in my drinking water, I use it to cean the shot glass.
  13. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Comparing Sarah Palin to E Gore? I know who I choose.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010
  14. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Totally unfair, Randy. What gives you the right to bring facts into the discussion? This post will have most libs running for the exits. Great post!
  15. srcaprguy

    srcaprguy New Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    oil disposal

    I worked for 3 years in the used oil recycling business and was amazed at how many people still dump it on the ground. The enviromental aspects of years of 'dumping' oil has yet to make an impact on our water supply in this country but one day it will. Used oil never stays where u pour it but finds its way to fresh water supplies.(streams, rivers, lakes) I would like to see a better system for collecting and disposing of oil at divisional and National events. At least better barrels for competitors.
  16. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Yea, looks like Barry ran for the exits. No need to argue, just present the facts. And yet they call you hater, freak, racist, etc.

    When you turn on the lights (truth) even the cockroaches run.

  17. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I can not for one minute believe NHRA and Safety Kleen can not come to some kind of aggreement
    There is a heck of alot more oil to be re-refined from the drag racers than at any nascar race
    How much oil can 50 cars generate at in nascar race compared to a NHRA race with hundreds of cars
    There must be something else at stake here, is NHRA going to start charging us for oil disposal costs now
    NHRA needs to step up to the plate
  18. Barry H

    Barry H Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    I seem to remember that Division 5 (I think) a few years ago gave you a container to keep your oil in and were required to take it with you when the race was over. I also think Phoenix did the same thing one year. It will be interesting to see what the Federal EPA does, but I would be more afraid of State or Local agencies mandating rules on the individual tracks (operators) to comply with their regulations. There are only a few tracks that NHRA owns and operates and most likely they (NHRA) is only interested in complying what they have to in order to keep out of trouble. It is probably very difficult to make requirements of racers if you have to deal with many different agencies and track operators such as they do. Please keep in mind, I am not really defending NHRA, as I do not agree with them in a lot of what they do. I am trying to point out, like Randy and others, that it will be much easier on the racers if we self-police and do not create an environment (no pun intended) that is ripe for regulation by being lazy or sloppy.
  19. FiatRacer

    FiatRacer New Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    America needs to wake up and see what is happening in this country. The feds are chipping away at your freedoms little by little under the guise of "protecting" you (or the environment, children, etc.). While I agree that we can certainly do things to protect the environment, government intervention is not the answer. I witness EVERY day how government costs industry money and workers their JOBS. Does it not appear to anyone to be a little heavy handed or threatening that the EPA show up at a race? I am in a hurry here so I realize I am not making the points that I would like very well and for that I apologize.
  20. T.A.D. 776

    T.A.D. 776 New Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    All you have to understand to deal with the EPA is that they are a totally FOR PROFIT group under the guise of being for the environment.
    This is a example of officialdom that started out with representing good intentions that quickly grew into a money hungry out of control monster.
    Consider the billions that the EPA was given for the Super Fund Clean Up Sites. The clean up never happened and the funds are unaccounted for.

    I read in today's National Dragster that the minimum fine to a racer or crew member for not following the rules being set forth is $1000.00

    That means $1000.00 fine for having a non approved product in your trailer, truck, camper, whether you used it or not. Read closely and yes they can search all without cause while you are attending a race.

    I suggest refusing pit sites that already have spills in them. Or it will be up to you to prove you did not do it, to the self appointed Judge, Jury and Fine Collector with motives to take your money.

    This is going to get very ugly. The number of business that have been bankrupted or run out of the country buy the EPA and their little sisters like CARB that are popping up all over would shock you.

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