1 or 2 piece sfi 20 fire suit

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by MIKE REYNOLDS, Feb 4, 2010.


    MIKE REYNOLDS New Member

    Dec 3, 2007
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    just wandering what you guys think? i know a 2 pece is nice cause you can take the jacket off but i was thinken it mite bunch up when siten in car.also what do you think is a beter more confortabel suit dj or stroud? thanks for the info
  2. East Coast Guy

    East Coast Guy New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    I have a 1 piece Stroud -20 suit and love it in the car, in the pits it's a pain in the butt. My dad just got a new Deist 2 piece -20 last fall and he has velcro on the back of his pants and on the inside of his jacket on the bottom, that seems like the way to go to me!!!

    Tim Steed
  3. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    I've got a 2 piece suit, and when I have to buy a new one I will switch to a one piece. You're exactly right when you say it might bunch up - it does, so you have to have a crew guy reach behind you and straighten it out before doing up the belts.

    As far as comfort goes, I've worn a few different brands of suits and the most comfortable one is the one I have now from Phoenix Custom Apparrel, which Dennis Taylor at Taylor Motorsports just took over on the fire suit end. Great quality, great fit, great people to deal with.
  4. pat Iley

    pat Iley Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I also had phoenix custom apparel do a two piece sfi 15 fire suit. I have had no real problems while getting seated in the car. I was happy with the suit and the cost of it compared to other brands i was able to have them put a design on it and still a great price.
  5. rattler

    rattler AA/Fuel Altered

    Feb 22, 2008
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    Hi Mike,
    six years ago I purchased a Design500 one piece suit and have never been happier or so comfortable in a fire suit, Great flexibality,holds up great , great service, in fact last year when I sent it back to be recertified, the cost was $35 for the patch and to ship it back to me, Not like a lot of these manufactures ripping you off for putting a new sticker on.and had it back to me in a week. Ricky Ruiz
    Their Contact info:
    Design 500
    James Standley
    9688 M.K. King jr. way s.
    Seattle Washington 98118
    www. design500.com
  6. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I have had two piece -20 suits and one piece suits. After having both I wouldn't ever go back to the twp piece suit. The guys are right- they do bunch up as I slid into the car and it's really awkward for a crew guy to reach behind in a funny car to pull the back down. The guys are also right- a one piece is a pain in the pits. But lets look at it this way- if you spend 1000$ on a firesuit I don't think you should even consider working in the pits while wearing any of it. So the idea of taking off the coat and working in the pants should be a no go. Just my idea of being cheap. Dave Germain
  7. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    Dave beat me to it....it's insurance that your suit will last longer since you'll be sure to take it off. I get back to the pits and the first thing I do is take off the 1 piece...kind of a pain in the ass but it takes 30 seconds... When I had two piece suits, I always did between round stuff in the pants....the pants were always trashed by the end of the year. Also with a one piece I take my driving shoes off and use a pit shoe that can take the oil, brake clean, etc. I have a one piece Phoenix with the Sateen finish/build....totally awesome suit!

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #44
  8. alt 6153

    alt 6153 Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Another note on wearing your pants and working on the car....How fire resistant is an oil soaked material?:confused::confused: I was going to go with a 2 piece, but desided to go with a 1 piece for 2 resons... 1- some people say that the top coat to pants gap is were fire can creep up between them. :eek:and 2- Just as others have said..this way I take the suit off between rounds and keep it cleaner..
  9. BBFA_Pilot

    BBFA_Pilot Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    I've worn both 2 and 1 piece suits and I have to say the 1 piece is the most comfortable for me. I have a 1 piece -20 stroud suit and it's been really nice. I can also relate to the 2 peice suits bunching up between your back and the seat, can be very annoying.

    Also if you live in colder climates (like myself) and have races march/april time when it can still be cold, nothing like wearing a big one peice suit, it's like wearing your duvet in the car. Very comfy and warm! :)

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