trailer advice

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by promodracer, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Can anyone give me the pros and cons of towing with a tri axle 50' fifth wheel race trailer. Things such as dot, scales, wt issues, laws...
    I am planning on towing with f 350 crewcab single rear wheel diesel.
    Thanks guys.C.J.
  2. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    not knowing what state you are in for laws but i would never do it single rear tire
    use a dually at least for yours and my safety
  3. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Can a single wheel truck be made safe, air bags...
  4. Doug

    Doug Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    A single wheel truck with a 50' trailer will up the pucker facter at speed. Not safe at all. Doug
  5. EricShircliff

    EricShircliff New Member

    Jan 14, 2010
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    Please do all fellow racers a favor and buy yourself a dually, if you plan to tow on the interstate. A 50 footer is a lot..... a lot of trailer, had 48'. All of your race car stuff scattered all over the highway will blacken eyes in our sport. That's my advise because I do not possess the luck to pull that off. However, good luck!!
  6. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    I have a 48' vintage tri axle trailer and we have towed from here in NY to Norwalk with my buddies single wheel chevy with no issues. The main thing is how stiff a sidewall tire does the truck have on it and how well is the load in the trailer balanced out.
    I'm not saying that a dually doesn't tow better or isn't safer if you blow a tire but... if its set up right it a single wheel truck will do the job.;)
  7. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    There's been a lot of discussions on here regarding this. I would do a forum search.
  8. Nitro Madness

    Nitro Madness Super Comp

    Sep 14, 2003
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    I pull a 38' gooseneck with a Chevy Gas Dually - no problems towing...and I considered getting a 44' and decided that stopping was the I'm sticking with the 38' for now....if you decide to pull a 50' - maybe upgrade the brakes - even on a Dually...
  9. nmro2114

    nmro2114 Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    I have a 48 that I tow with my c-cab single rear wheel 12 miles to get to my toter because the toter won't fit up my drive way. It ain't no fun I can tell you that. And that is lightly loaded. And as discused above it won't stop very well either. So yes it is possible but there is absolutly no margin for error by you or anyone else around you and what are the chances of that?
  10. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    traier advice

    Sounds like it could be done but most of you feel it may not be so safe.
    I also did not mention i just purchased a new 2010 f 350 short box not long box.
    So no chance i will be purchasing a dully.
    Keep the thoughts comming.
    No one has said anything about interstate issues, tri axle versus rules...
    Any issues if you are hauling race car with a company truck all lettered up along with trailer lettered up. Advertising is everything.
    I will be getting dot done soon and dot physical...
    Thanks guys C.J.
  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    If you're married to the truck, go with an aluminum trailer so to save some weight.

    Also remember the Powerstrokes and Duramax's today will pull way more than they will stop.

    You need to rig up some sort of secondary locking system to keep the trailer plug in. If it ever comes out, you will be screwed. We used to pull a 53' Haulmark LQ loaded to the hilt with a 04 Powerstroke Dually. The wind got underneath the rubber mat in the back and pulled the trailer plug out unknown to me. I came up to a redlight in a 55 mph zone with just the truck brakes. Luckily nobody was in the way because there was no way the truck was going to stop in time. Once I realized I wasn't stopping and I had a window to make it, I sped up to make it through the intersection (3 way luckily). That's when I realized the plug had come undone. Had someone pulled out, I would have plowed right through them. The dually alone didn't think about stopping it. Much less a single wheel.

    So get an aluminum trailer like a Goldrush or ATC, and maybe overboard on brakes to compensate for the lack of brakes with the truck, if you must stick wit the truck.

    I agree the best option is to not use that truck.

    Rules on advertising vary from DOT officer to DOT officer and state to state whether they will pull you over or not. It will definitely attract more attention and hurt the 'hobby' argument.
  12. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    So who makes the coolest cost effective race trailer with the nicest fit and finish, and feature benefits for my senerio listed in this thread.
    Based on what i am hearing i may need to stick with 44' to 46'.
    I am also interested in 7' + to 9' tall inside...
    And where is the best place to buy it used.
    Thanks C.J.
  13. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Hey will thanks for the advise. Well taken.
    P.s. thanks for the new injector lines. picked them up at knowlton thunderheads last week.
    Thanks C.J.
  14. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    The short box my cause a problem as well... with my buddys short box truck if your not carefull the front corner of the trailer will hit the back window if you turn too sharp!
  15. G. Anderson

    G. Anderson Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Less than 26000# gross COMBINATION weight, no CDL required.
    ...BUT,..... and this is the sticker,... if you are doing any hauling with an end result of making money (like racing that pays), you need a CDL and all the stuff that goes with it. Log book, maybe a health card, ect.

    I haul a 42 foot Chapparal with a 86 GMC CrewCab dually.
    Yes, I have a Class A CDL, logbook healthcard, ect.
    Usually get waved thru scales, no cop stops.

    Trailer is registered as a RV. (doing a trailer as a RV has it's own set of rules in MN.)

    This combination with brakes on all 3 axles and the trucks brakes stops extremely well, damn near put you thru the windshield!

    You pay by the axle going through tollways. My combination has 5 axles so I pay the same as a Commercial Vehicle (18 wheeler).

    Towing any large trailer ( more than 26 ft) with a short wheelbase truck is not a safe idea.

    I really don't care about you ;)(not really), but I care about my family and
    don't want them smacked by someone's broken truck/trailer and racing stuff.

    Over 26000GVW and/or hauling commercial also my require a DOT sticker.
    This is another can of worms

    Do what you have to do and be carefull!
  16. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Years ago I had a 36' gooseneck and was towing with a 1 ton crewcab Chev dually. When I bought a bigger trailer and I knew the crew cab wasn't going to stop it or get it over the mountain passes I decided to buy a new truck. I ended up with a used freightliner for less than half the cost of a new crew cab. It gets better fuel mileage than my 454 gas motored 1 ton and it will run up and down the mountain passes without a second thought. If you look around you will find a lot of the RVers these days are buying used semi tractors for towing their fifth wheel trailers. It's just another option to consider. Dave Germain
  17. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Dad has wore out a couple brand new pickups in his life pulling trailers, we too starting putting pencil to paper and realized a used semi can be found for less upfront money, last longer, go faster, stop quicker, etc...
  18. bill

    bill Member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    i have a 50 ft trailer with living quarters and pull it with a peterbilt and you don,t even know its behind you
  19. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    I did a suburban with a 24 foot had alot of sway,had a ext cab dually same trailer no sway,went to 36 foot gooseneck with dually was fine,went to 36ft camper 26 ft trailer hated it lot of blind spots and sway,now going to 44 ft gooseneck and 4 door dually,trailer delivered by dually said towed nice easy to drive and get around with,but still long,seems like the longer wbases are more forgiving if all is set up correctly.
    Happy motoring Rick
  20. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Trailer advise

    I am hopping up 2010 f350 truck pwr will not be an issue.
    Getting health card tomarrow, already have extinguisher... Just had dot inspection today. Just applied for dot number.
    Will probably focus in on 36' to 40' trailer.
    Will Hanna mentioned atc trailers being aluminum would be a wise choice. They sure look nice. Thought i had a line on a good 26 or 28' but it was a scam.
    Anyone know if i would have an issue with hauling fuel, gas or methanol.
    What if i am hauling a race trailer lettered up with my company grafix for personal use when my truck is company owned and some of its use is personal.
    Should i be concerned if i lucked out and made some money.
    Any insite would be appreciated.
    Thanks C.J.

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