Slicks Leaking

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Michael H., Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Michael H.

    Michael H. New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    i had a new set of rear whels and tires mounted and balanced. i decided to buy a new set of lighter wheels and had broken the combo apart. i remounted the new lighter wheels to the tires and had the screws put it and balanced as well......upon doing so, i noticed that it wasnt holding air for no more than 1 day at most.....we did a water bubble check on the wheels and realize that it has two previous screw holes that the air is seeping it possible for me to use a couple of green slime to prevent the leakage from coming through the previous holes in the tires side walls....HELP HELP
  2. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I don't know what green slime is but if you are talking about 2 old holes with bolts no longer in them then yes you can separate the tire from the rim at those 2 points (the effect on the balance should be minor) and put silicone adheasive between the rim and the bead of the tire to seal it. I used to put a dab of silicone between the head of each rim screw and the rim to prevent leaking between the screw and the rim.

    Of course you could weld the holes up but that would entail dismounting and rebalancing which I imagine you would like to avoid.

    Have not done it in a while since the easy cure for this is bead locks :rolleyes:.

    Richard G
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  3. Michael H.

    Michael H. New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    green slime

    yeah its that green sealant that u usually put inside of an ordinary car tire after it catches a in fact its called fix a flat...comes in a can and u connect it to the valve stem and send it on through the tire.....its just leaking from around the edge of the tire where the old screws were...i had marked where the original wheel tire combo valve stem was located at and all he had to actuall y do is line the valve stem back up with the marking and the screw holes should have lined up.......
  4. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    I would NEVER use green slime what a mess.. do have some very nice beadlocks i would sell cheap..Dave
  5. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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  6. alcohol altered

    alcohol altered New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    If you use green slime, I guarantee you will have a tire vibration out of this world! I work at a dealership and sometimes customers complain of a bad vibration. I dismount the tire and found that the green slime decided to dry up in one giant clump. I have seen this multiple times. Do not use any type of fix a flat stuff in your race car!
  7. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    some old guy in Douglassville once told me to take one side of the tire off the rim stick a hand covered in form a gasket over the center of the rim where they meet let it set and get going,then he spit 2 lbs of cigar slop on the floor and told me to fix a leaky fuel cell use a bar of soap.

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