Nre x1

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by badbird, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Anyone know if these are a direct replacement or they need different pistons ect, they say 95cc chamber volume wonder how this compares to a brad 6 for volume?

    anyone have any info

  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Nre x-1

    They are a direct bolt on replacement to the bae6/8's.

    A typical bae 6 is 96cc, bae 5 is 97cc.

    When we changed to the NRE head on Foster's car, the only thing we had to do is put the plates under the intake because we were switching from 5's. We also had to get different pushrods, and the NRE takes it's own valves.

    If you don't already run external oilers, you will need to plumb that up. You have the option of using the block oil feed for the rockers, but I think it's best to oil the system externally through their integral oil feed circuit.

    Overall, we were very happy with the head and the support we received from NRE. I put a gallon of fuel in Foster's car for the first run trying to be conservative. It went out and ran a 5.66/252 and burned all the cad off the plugs. When Jeff Burnett finally got his ignition problems sorted, he carded a 2.49 330' at Indy in round 1.

    These guys have done a ton of homework on the heads and valvetrain before they debuted the head, and you tap into an enormous source of information with these guys. They have done extensive spintron research on the hemi valvetrain. One of the goals of this head was to allow valvetrain components such as a 9/16" pushrod to control the valvetrain better.
  3. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Thanks Will
    I was looking at the brad 7's but i heard these were good,
    now i just gotta figure out how the hell i get some as im in England
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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  5. topalky511

    topalky511 Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Hi Guys
    We tested the heads here in australia on our alcohol dragster for the guys at NRE for 12 months before they went on sale, Jamie the owner of NRE crews on our car, they are a direct replacement for the BAE -6 or -8, they take the same intake valve as an -8 but takes its own exhaust valve that is larger and longer to accomodate the same intake and exhaust installed heights. In the early stages we had to change back to our -6's between rounds and did so with no problems only thing we had to change was our exhaust pushrods. I would use the external oil feeds in the heads with a restrictor but they can be blocked and std block oiling used, all your valve covers, headers, rockers, manifolds from-8's, -6's and -5's will fit straight on, if you are going from -5's you will need the end spacers like Will said but you will also have to relieve your rocker covers for exhaust spring clearance just like the -6's, and all your pushrods will have to change, as far as i know they are the lightest and highest flowing head on the market, they also incorporate an oil gallery that has spring oiler jets for the intake springs, you can order them with iron or berilium valve seats and they have a promod legal head also with the 2.400 and 1.900 valve sizes. As Will said you will have to richen up your fuel system as it will require more fuel.
    You can purchase them here in Australia through NRE or through Jeff Burnett, he is the USA distributor.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  6. noelmanton

    noelmanton Authorized Merchant

    Mar 13, 2007
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    NRE Alcohol Heads

    We will have a set of NRE heads on display at the IMIS trade show in the Indianapolis convention center this December 2nd and 3rd.

    They are very nice and the flow charts will back that statement up. The configuration of the head allows you to use your existing intake manifold, valve covers, rocker assembly, etc. The valve cover rail has been raised to eliminate oil spillage during service but the spark plug tubes remain the same length.
    The head also has been designed to allow the use of a pushrod as large as .625 in diameter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We highly suggest you consider this option. The head is outstanding.

    The show is a hard core show only and is one week before the Florida show.
    To sigh up to attend go to:

    Noel Manton
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  7. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    thanks guys i talked to NRE seem real easy to talk to and that makes it easy to make a decision,
    new paint, new blower, and new heads, should wake the bird up a bit!!!
    as well as making my wallet scream for mercy!
  8. TimeMachine

    TimeMachine Member

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Bring on Easter, can't wait to see it!

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