A/Fuel FC???

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Sep 13, 2005.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    This one has been thrown around before, and NHRA officially said there would be no A/Fuel FC last year.

    Some advocates say it will increase car counts. While there certainly would be some teams switch over, its debatable how many 'new' cars would be built.

    Introducing it to TAFC may hurt car counts, as some teams that left TAD may quit.

    People are quick to say that TAD needs to be seperated, so why add apples to the orange basket in TAFC?

    I'll throw this to the masses...what's your take?
  2. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I want nothing to do with it. If it happens, I will likely pack it in. Why start another forum for parity arguments?

    Feb 14, 2005
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  4. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    I hear all the time how A/FD is a stepping stone to Top Fuel, so why not make A/FC a stepping stone to Top Fuel Funny Car. A/FC would leave at idle and you dont have to shift like a TFFC were, a Alcohol Funny Car leaves at 5,000 or 6,000 rpms and you have to hit 2 shift points

  5. Z28u up

    Z28u up New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    would they run the huge wings like the AA/FC ?
    or would they have to run similar bodys like TA/FC.

    either way, i think it would be a good idea.
  6. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    They will not split the class , if they were to do that would the racers be happy splitting the purse ?, I think not . Another class requires another seperate purse , more TV time , who would pay for that ?.

    [ September 13, 2005, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: DQUES ]
  7. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Go for it. I'd build one.

    A/FC done right would be significantly cheaper than TA/FC based on things JD has told me about his A/FD. Plus, they would light up the night sky.

  8. Tob

    Tob Jr. Dragster

    Jul 26, 2004
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    I assume that one day, you would want to get to one class and not create 2 classes, TAFC and AAFC.

    As more of a traditionalist, I like the fact that a TAFC leaves at high RPM and hits 2 precision shift points, while requiring the driver to ride a buckin' bronco. If the casual fan understood the complexity of a TAFC and the driving requirements, it would gather more fan appreciation. That education won't happen for the common fan, I don't think.

    2 big issues that everyone is aware of in the AAFC discussion:
    1.) Conversion costs from TAFC
    2.) Migration path/Parity and timeline

    As a crew member of a newer TAFC operation, I would be concerned about the lower budget teams making the transition, including raw dollars and knowledge. Not only does change cost money, but it costs less experienced teams knowledge.

    If there is a way to manageably phase in AFFC, without eliminating the investments of today's racer, then maybe it could be seriously considered and gain support of the TAFC community of today. The challenge for NHRA would be: How do you do that while maintaining the costs and keeping the playing field technically and mechanically level? If both IHRA and NHRA made the move, and provided a 2 year timeline (for example) and parity-based racing plan for the class migration, then maybe we could increase car count and drive up fan interest in the class, while not eliminating the lower budget and newer teams that represent about 2/5's of the class.

    Question: What is to gain by moving to AAFC? Does it enhance the show to the customer? NHRA doesn't want TAFC running much faster, do they?

    Interesting discussion.
  9. Thurston

    Thurston New

    Oct 25, 2004
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    After working with you last year at the fall Joliet race on Jason Cannon car, and taking notice of the work required and knowing how much work and money it takes to try and make a blown car completive in IHRA. I would vote injected nitro funny any day. Although one car dominated when IHRA experimented with this combination, I think they missed a golden opportunity to greatly promote the class and IHRA. All of us know that funny car in IHRA is a pro class and allowing injected nitro in funny would raise the quality of the show for the fans, and like it or not, putting asses in the stand is what it’s all about.

    I’ll go out on a limb and say most IHRA fans at national events and NHRA fans at national and more so at divisional events would appreciate and even pay a few dollars more at the gate to hear the thunder and see the flames. All a track has to do is mention the word Nitro in their radio or TV adds and fans seem to come out of the woodwork. The other up side would be booking this type of car for match races, nitro cars would be much more attractive to the managers at the type of tracks you mentioned on your other post. I believe the quality of a show with this type of car would be much better, and once proven that they could bring fans to track, would then command better dollars from the tracks and promoters.

    Of course some of the front-runners in IHRA would most likely object and I don’t believe IHRA would have the moxie to make such a change without commitments from the likes of Atchison, Thomas, Sickles, Tigges etc. that they would still remain and support the class either in an injected or blown configuration.

    How about it Fred/Mark?? After pitting next to the Tigges the last few races and listing to Fred I don’t believe he would support anything like this, and after running the kind of numbers you ran last week why would you??

    I don’t believe the cost of switching to nitro would be any different than going from a root to a screw. Will, because of your relationship with the Cannon’s you should be able to tell us the cost difference of running a blown dragster vs. a nitro car. Certainly there would be a learning curve, but with the experience tuners for injected dragsters the ramp up time would be much less then the dragsters experienced.

    Jim Thurston
  10. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    well, i heard about how much cheaper a/fuel was, and the money didn't come out of my bank account, but i didn't see the savings.

    on my old desktop computer (may it rest in peace) i had a detailed spreadsheet on the costs of running a blown alcohol dragster. a few years ago at fuel prices then, paying tom conway tuning and throwing the crew a few bucks (not much) it came out to $1500 a run.

    since then, a couple of the major cost items have improved for the blown cars. the rods we run now, we can get 25 runs out of, where as we used to get 12. you can get nearly 20 or more runs out of the psi brand titanium springs, where you used to do good to get 10.

    nitro going up from $600 to $950 didn't help the a/fuel exp.

    you can get 10 to 20 more runs out of rods and pistons on an a/fueler. you don't have blower belts, and you dont have to change springs but once a year. BUT...

    you have an extra disc and floater in the clutch. not to mention it mows thru clutch parts quicker...so the clutch dept is more exp, by a good chunk.

    you have twice the spark plugs to buy. you have twice the wires to buy, and you have to change them more often. you have twice the ignition maintenance, and have to carry twice the spares.

    good year tires are more expensive than hoosiers.

    you have to carry more heads, because jim, you can attest to this, one small bug, and you'll be feeding that thing heads.

    when a nitro motor throws a fit, its usually a big one.

    work wise, your clutch guy will do overtime cutting the extra discs and floaters. the floaters are warped worse, so they take extra time to cut.

    the bottom end guy will probably have to find things like beer runs and polishing wheels to occupy his time, because when an a/fuel motor is happy, it doesn't require much in between rounds.

    there's more work in between races because it has to come apart, and extra clutch maintenance.

    if you run tubes and liners, you'll realize how spoiled you were when you got new tires, you just dropped them off, and picked them up ready to go. you'll really start hating beadlocks once you mount your first pair.

    a blown car you dont have the stress and responsibility that if someone does the wrong thing to the motor, someone could get killed.

    you can get 2 to 3 runs out of oil on a blown car. plan on every run on a/fuel.

    cash flow wise, if you already have the parts in the car and a few spares in the trailer, you can buy a $200 drum of alky and race. if you're tight going into a race on cash, you still have to shell out $950 on that drum of nitro.

    flying j, ta, pilot, loves and petro don't descriminate at the diesel pump. they charge the same for diesel.

    an a/fuel tuneup and tuner is a considerable amount more expensive than buying a blown tune-up.

    all these figures are based on perfect world race where you don't tear anything up. on either side, that's just not reality when you're trying to run for a championship.

    as far as running on a budget, you can not step on a blown car and run one fairly cheap just like you can not step on an a/fuel deal and not run cheap.

    i would say the a/fuel deal is slightly cheaper, but not much more than a couple hundred bucks a race.
  11. Thurston

    Thurston New

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Thanks Will,

    Comparing the combinations may be apples to oranges, but is sounds like the expense of running either is about the same. If that’s true then the difference in value comes from the what can be done with a particular combination, i.e.: winning races, booked in shows, price received for booked in shows.

    Can one combination command a better price than the other given the operating cost?
    Would it be beneficial for a track to book blown and nitro car at a given show or just one combination?

    A/FUEL JUNKIE Jr. Dragster

    Apr 5, 2005
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    Hey I'd love to see A/Fuel Funnies, Would'nt you be able to offer promoters a couple of Fuel fuuny cars for reasonable price . Might even bing back match racing circuits.
  13. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I stopped checking into hotels last year. DT says he spent $2,700.00 in Seattle and $2,700.00 in Sonoma for his crowd in hotels. Clint Thompson and I had a conversation about how much we enjoy staying in our rigs at the track.

    I've never had the desk clerk ask: "Paper or plastic? Diet or regular? Soup or salad? Top fuel or Super Comp? Alky or Nitro?" when figuring out our hotel bills in the past.


    [ September 15, 2005, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Randy G. ]
  14. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    With all the hassles NHRA has had to endure over Parity issue in TAD, I would be suprised NHRA would go through that all over again with A/Fuel FC

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