Early Keith Black's?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by William Payne, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    What do early stock configuration solid keith blacks go for these days are they available? I am just trying to decide what engine I should be saving my money for . I know hemis arent the cheapest choice but they have the most potential and im a big fan of them. I have asked questions about parts before but I just want to build a relatively stock configuration engine rum it on gas or alchy with carbs to start with and just learn as I go . Iron hemi blocks are through the roof in price and was just wondering are there still early keith blacks around ? I hope my questions arent silly I am just asking questions im just trying to save my money right now i'm just a guy who wants to go racing . I am just wanting some sort of advice on whats choices are out there and what prices things generally go for .
  2. willy200

    willy200 Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Early Hemi engines

    I have sent you a P/M

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