Changing from Nitro to Alcohol

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by gt_diesel, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. gt_diesel

    gt_diesel New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    Two questions..... Could you run alcohol with a Direct Drive setup in a Fuel Funny Car..... Second question, how much work would it be to change a fuel funny car motor to alcohol?
  2. Eric N/FC

    Eric N/FC Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    I`m no expert, but I think the FC would be running mighty rich and very lazy since the nozzle area on a fuel engine is a lot bigger. And you also tune a alky engine with the help of a main jet in the barrelvalve right?
    When running nitro, I think most people use a blank main jet in the BV.
    And I doubt the engine would be strong enough to run a direct drive....?
    Also a fuel engine has lower compression and has the ignition timing set diffrent compared to a alky engine.
    In our Nostalgia FC we run 58 - 62 deg in the mag, whilst in the TAD we run around 35...(I think..I work most on the funnycar)
    And there`s probably something else that I´ve forgotten at the moment...
    But with a few changes in the fuelsystem,compression and tranny, I think one could get the car moving a little...?

    Ok, time for someone else to fill in on the subject..:D
  3. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    Eric!!!!!!!!!!! you took the words right out of my mouth:)..Dave
  4. gt_diesel

    gt_diesel New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    That is about what I thought... I am looking at picking up a new car, and it is set up as a nitro car right now.... It has a match race tune up in it now that goes easy 5.20's... Comes with all the info for a 4 second tuneup. It also has a Fiat Body for running as a fuel altered.

    I would like to back it down to around 5.80's on nitro or 6.20's on alcohol and swap out the bodies doing Nostalgia Match Racing, or the 6.20 Pro Comp Index at the local track.

    I dont know if I could afford to run it full out.

    Anyone have any insight on what it costs per run assuming you dont break anything if I keep it on nitro.
  5. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    just have someone kick you in the head it wont hurt as bad as when you blow up a nitro deal can you find enough people to help service the nitro deal good luck
  6. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    just start out RICH so you can end up POOR:D:D Dave
  7. James2

    James2 Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    I think you should choose how fast you want to go (and can afford to go), and whether you want to run alcohol or nitro - and then build your setup accordingly. You'd be better off that way. If you try to take a match race big show car and try to switch it around, you'd probably end up wasting too much money because you'd have too many parts that you won't use, and you'll have to dump them. Just my opinion.
  8. nitrorelapse

    nitrorelapse Member

    Nov 27, 2008
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    Direct drive is to hard on the parts and labor intensive for the weekend deal. A simple nitro deal is 3 disc Crowerglide, two speed trans, 85% nitro , 5:1 compression, 20 pounds boost blower. It will run 3.90's in the 1/8 mile not hurt parts, just change the oil ever run.

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