Rodeck Head Studs

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by MotorPsycho, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. MotorPsycho

    MotorPsycho Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    We're running a Rodeck 481-T block with BacMan heads and the studs seem about half inch too short, not getting full engagement in the nuts, so I've got a few questions:

    1) What thread/thickness are the studs
    2) What length are they standard
    3) Are longer studs available

    Many Thanks

    REEHL EQUIPMENT Authorized Merchant

    Mar 17, 2004
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    CALL or FAX me,as I probably have them.

    626 815-8815 or 626 815-8814 FAX

    Or go thru Gary Burgin ENT for overseas stuff.
  3. It's Fixable...

    It's Fixable... New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
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    Sorry if this sounds a bit basic, but:

    Look at the top of the stud threads - do they show any signs of having been trimmed down ? i.e. lathe, hacksaw or grinding marks ? Has the protective coating (if any) been removed by the shortening process ?

    Have you checked that the amount of stud protrusion is consistent (if coating undisturbed could mean they're supposed to be that way and you just have the wrong studs in).

    Are the studs threaded all the way down or do they have an unthreaded shank in the middle ?

    To determine threadform and size of thread, back one of the studs out of the block and take your vernier calipers and the stud to your local industrial fixungs stockist ( is your friend for that) and try meshing the stud side by side with some of their stock. Be careful, our European Whitworth threadforms mesh with some of the coarse American threadforms over shorter lengths, but not as long as I imagine the stud engagement into the block is.

    If nothing else you will likely find out enough information to allow you to know what your current studs physically are (and to record and file that information as a sketch for later) and allow you to work out what you want your new studs to be. Better to know that information than just the OEM part number as you can be reasonably sure you can find what you need from ARP or indeed some of the suppliers of quality fixings in the UK if it is an all threaded stud.
  4. MotorPsycho

    MotorPsycho Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    The studs haven't been turned down or trimmed, the previous owner of the block/heads said that he just wound the studs out a bit which I didn't like sound of at all. The problem comes from having the big billet heads which are taller than standard BBC pattern heads, but we do now have a solution that is how Alan Johnson has recommended it to be done to other people and I've asked a couple engine builders over here who agree.

    Thanks all for your input
  5. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    Been down this road with the Rodeck. As heads got taller this issue comes up. The only cure other than custom made studs is to make a spacer to go underneath the offending studs. I made them from crs just long enough to do the deal but loose enough that I could pull them out with a magnet. There is still plenty of stud/thread left to secure the heads.

    Dave Koehler

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