Is a system 1 oil filter worth a $hit

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by craig moss, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    I have buddies that have ran them with good results. But after a lot of reading I am wondering if they filter enough debris out of the oil. Have they been lucky or do they work? I have a 70 or a 75 micron, should I just use a good regular media filter or run what I have ? :eek: I don't change the oil after each pass. What do the Gods of speed think ??:confused:
  2. Flyingpig

    Flyingpig Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    First off I tell you that I sell them so Im very biased.

    My wife has one on her pickup and uses synthetic oil. It gets cleaned a couple times a year. Its the 45 micron model.

    My semi truck uses one for a fuel filter. Its the 35 micron screen.

    Ive got customers using the 70 micron screen. Everyone is happy with the performance. One in particular is a tractor puller. He runs two filters without the bypass. He recently melted a piston which was collected in the filters. The screens caught so much debris that the screens collapsed. He replaced the piston and filter screens. The bearings were undamaged and he pulled again last Thursday. I havent heard how well he did yet.

    This is the second time he has collapsed the screens. The first time was in the very early spring and was really cold out.(freezing) He was using heavy oil (50wt) and 45 micron screens. You want to use the 70 micron screen with heavy oil. In a street driven vehicle you use the 45 micron screen with regular 10-40 oils. I think you could even get by with a 35 micron screen. The flow numbers they have on their website were all attained using a 35 screen. Ive forgotten what oil they used tho.

    Some trucking companies are using synthetic oils and cleanable screen filters along with some sort of bypass filters to get 3-400 thousand miles to an oil change. They call that extended drain interval. My truck has about 250K on the oil and Im just getting ready to change it.

    I hope this answers your concerns.
  3. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    We've had good results with the N/TF car (70w) and the Hot Rod (20-50w) using the System 1...

  4. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I would only use a Sys1. I use 50w oil and a Sys1 spin on
  5. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    system 1 has a great product....if you don't believe me take a look around the pits. use a 70-75 micron filter(screen)
    the problem is with the kind of volume and pressure we all use on these cars, if you don't use a screen(70-75 micron) the filter will restrict oil flow. you will be surprised what you can actually catch in a screen....they work.
    just my 2 cents
  6. James D

    James D New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    awesome product

    What a negative way to ask a question,,,, jezzz.

    Nothing leaves that shop unless its dead nuts on. They check and re-check tolerances in every run. If you have a question you can call them and the owner or shop foreman will take your question and give you an answer with no bs. Let's review;

    Their product is manufactured in the USA.

    Their client list is a who's who of NHRA CHAMPIONS plus just about every other racing league.

    They are priced fair.

    They provide excellent support.

    The product is re-usable and in seconds you can confirm or rule out certain engine problems buy simply opening up the filter.

    Hummm maybe its better to buy a paper filter made in Korea? Worth a sh*t? Really?
  7. ta455

    ta455 Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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  8. wildman

    wildman Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Yes they are

    I have used one on my bbc for 5 years now. (same one... same screen) I love the fact that I can remove the filter, and see If I have engine problems without tearing down the motor. Great product.
  9. Flyingpig

    Flyingpig Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    I watched the video. What kind of moron would crank on the starter for 38 seconds if it wasnt starting? I wonder what other issues were going on there too.

    RUGSTER New Member

    May 1, 2009
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    I use a 45 micron in my system1 with no known issues!! As to whether it filters ALL of the shit out of the oil?......When it picks up the lint from engine assembly the first time it's cleaned!! That's fine enough for me:D

  11. Moparious Maximus

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Yes, we use one too, and we always get blue shop rag lint out of the filter, maybe a few tramp balls of silicone, and a few brown hairs from our dog, dumb dog!

    But really they are a nice filter, we used to run the 45 micron with no problems with 50wt, switched to the 75 micron just to make us feel better.
  12. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    In my opinion the system 1 filter was well designed for racing. In this type of application you need a high flow filter that will catch large amounts of particles large enough to do damage, smaller particles can simply flow with the oil or be imbedded in the bearings the small amount of wear they cause is not a concern in motors receiving the frequent service these do. The important thing on a racing filter used on an high oil flow engine like an alky motor is that under sudden oil demand the filter does not enter bypass mode, this is the problem with using media filters in these applications they simply do not have enough flow capacity to keep up with the volume and the majority of the oil bypasses the filter entirely during high rpm engine operation. The ability to select different micron screens adds to the benefit of the system 1.

    No as far as low flow/low contamination systems I think it’s hard to beat the synthetic cellulose filters (except in cost) and I will continue to run them in any of my street cars. As far as over the road trucks the ability to wash the screens during service along with the high amount of particulate matter (soot) means that if I ever had a big diesel I would have to look long and hard a a washable filter due to the extreme cost of synthetic cellulose filters for extended use in an over the road truck.

    Just my 2 cents,

    Richard Gavle
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  13. JM

    JM Member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    System 1 #1 option

    I eliminated problems switching to the system one about 10 years ago, I'll never go back to paper (Fram HP series) with my race engine.
    I see the fuel guys on TV using those huge fram units - don't know much about them (doing it for the sponsorship $$??). They're tore down every round anyhow.
    Oberg's just don't have enough surface area.
    The system one has been a great diagnostic tool between rounds on what the engine is doing inside - fast and easy. You should see the crap in the system 1 fuel filter I run too!
  14. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    You reckon that there may be nothing inside those TF filters? I often wondered why they even bothered considering the clearances and time span they run.
  15. JM

    JM Member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    You may be right on that.
  16. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    Thanks for all of the replies. I was reading on power boat site and they were bashing them. I have a new one and was worried it would not do a good job (all better now) Thanks again Craig
  17. TimeMachine

    TimeMachine Member

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Maybe it is a Fram cover for a system one doing the real work </cynic>

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