New blown alcohol racer questions

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by mdwheelz, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. mdwheelz

    mdwheelz New Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    We are getting ready to finish up a new 48 anglia A/Gas car and we could really use some help. We have fired the car up a few times but have not made a pass yet.

    511ci BBC
    1071 littlefield blower - 19.1% overdriven
    Enderle Bird catcher
    12.5:1 compression
    Vertex mag at 36 degrees

    Question is, right now we are running hat injectors only. Will we need to run port injectors as well? and where should we start on nozzle sizes and fuel setup to be safe?
  2. crdafoe

    crdafoe Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I'm a beginner also, but have been researching all the info I can find, and in regards to your questions here's what I have found:

    36 degrees timing seems like a lot. You might want to start out with 30 or so. It seems that excessive timing can cause severe detonation.

    As for you fuel tune, you're really shooting in the dark until you get it flowed so you have a reference to start with. At least the pump and preferably everything. There are lots of guys that can do it but I prefer Spud Miller at Fuel Injection Enterprises. The cost of it is nothing compared to blown up parts.

    hirevn likes this.
  3. michael hall

    michael hall New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Unfortunately, he's right. Without knowing your entire engine/fuel pump/combo, it may be a little difficult to recomend a nozzle size. Yes, you may get lucky and be close, and maybe a little "fat" would be ok, but lean may be a problem. Yes, 36 degrees is a bit much, try around 30-32. Best be safe instead of melting pistons. Also, do you run a nozzle in the back, so the rear of the blower can stay cooled with the fuel? Just questions that may help in the nozzle selection. A good person to ask these questions is Dr Bill Barret, he is from Va. Has tuned MANY top running alky/fuel/Pro Mod cars...
  4. mdwheelz

    mdwheelz New Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    I have seen a few cars with the fuel nozzle plumbed to the back of the blower case. Ours is not setup that way. Should it be?

    We bought a running combo, but just before we bought the engine, the guy removed the port nozzles and second fuel distro block. So we dont know what he was running, or if we need that fuel, because he was running the engine 40% over driven and we are starting with 19%
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  5. Moparious Maximus

    Feb 23, 2009
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    To get a starting point for nozzles you need to know your pump flow,

    36 degrees is asking for problems expecially with your 12.5-1 comp, I would start out on the safe side, 28-30 degrees.

    As far as hat vs port nozzles, you can get away with hats only but you will have no way of changing your cylinder to cylinder distribution, blowers have a way of changing air-fuel mix in the intake, (the rear cylinders will have a different mix than the front ones)

    All motor combinations are different, your blower/intake/overdrive%/intake port layout, they all change the amount the motor will do this.

    Chances are you will be fine with running just hat nozzles but you have to watch for lean cylinders when you are looking for a tune.

    I think port nozzles are well worth running and not hard to setup, its just one more fuel line and a check valve.

    I guess I should stop babbling,:eek:
  6. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    i ran a motor just like that one but ran it 47* over with just hat nozzles 36* timing knowing what i know now that was a little excessive for what i was tring to do it would be best getting the fuel system flowed by someone like fowler , gorr, rector, and there are many others will save parts in the long run tim engler in princeton ind. did my blown chevy back then i would use down nozzles if i was doing another chevy it will be more managable in the long run

    i sold that motor to a friend who ran it 8* over it went 4.30s in a dragster
    the best i ever run was 4.03 1/8 mi and 6.60 1/4mi but i never knew if it was going to go straight are what it was going to do

    if i had it to do over less timing down nozzles and a little less od
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  7. nitrowannabe

    nitrowannabe Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    check for a pm. thanks.
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    fuel sys

    send your system to a reputable fuel system guy. get it right so you know what you have. have the whole system flowed. that should get you off to the right track and not struggling or hurting parts.

    if you ask 10 successful alcohol racers what to do, 10 will tell you to get your fuel system flowed. it's not just because they have the money, it's because it's just what you do. more than likely it will save you money in the long run in not hurting parts and less trips to the track to get the car lined out.

    as the old saying goes, the only advice you can't afford is free advice....
  9. Dragsterbus

    Dragsterbus Member

    Oct 9, 2008
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    I'm new to blown alky too and i've sent my stuff to Spud Miller at Fuel Injection Enterprises who seems to be a very switched on helpful guy, the cost is minimal to the cost of broken parts, guessing and a lot of pissing about, Good luck !
  10. blowntrifive

    blowntrifive Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    You should get your system flowed for sure and then set it. You can run just hat nozzles and have it work and live just harder to tune,but can be done.Depending on the blower if you need down nozzles or not,call Mert littlefield great person to deal with or talk to Lee there as well .

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