Simpson suit recerts

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Dave Germain, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I just got the word from Team Simpson Racing that my SFI-20 suit won't recert to a 20 level but will recert to a -15 level. My suit was in pristine condition with absolutely zero damage or apparent wear. From the word on the street no one has had their -20 suit recerted to a -20 level. The normal story is they will recert it to a -15 level. Simpson is also the only belt manufacturer that refuses to reweb their belts. My advice- avoid Simpson products like the plague. There are plenty other safety products out there that won't screw the racer. If you have questions feel free to call me- Dave Germain 253-973-2619.
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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  3. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    While at the PRI show I had the owner of Drag Racing Online by my side just to listen while I asked about my 20 suit. He was not aware of the situation and I did not tell him what I was up to and thought he might find it interesting.

    The rep shuffled, mumbled and got someone else to talk to me. The new guy then proceeded tell me all about cutting the suit open.

    When I replied that this was all well and good but could he please explain why SFI told me that the suit specs had not changed since their inception years ago so why did he need to cut it up? Dead Silence... I kid you not. End of discussion as he stepped away.

    About this time I could see the jaw drop on the DRO editor. Perhaps we will see an article or rant on this subject in the near future.

    Personally, I think cutting them open automatically makes them null and void and gives them an out to downgrade and sell a new suit.

    Does any company actually repair a suit that is not damaged by fire?

    Have a safe race
    Dave Koehler
  4. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Back 1988 Greg Oliver was driving our Top Gas West blown gas dragster in the final at an event in Bakersfield. Long story short, he crashed the car in the lights, was cut from the car and helicoptered out.

    The suit he was wearing was a Simpson he borrowed from Frank Dayton. The EMT personel took a pair of scizzors and cut the entire right arm off the firesuit to get Greg's vitals at the scene of the crash. It was cut off just blow the shoulder.

    We sent the suit back to Simpson where they inspected it, completely constructed a new arm for it and sewed it on which saved the firesuit. This was when Bill Simpson owned the company.

    Now it sounds like if you spill a cup of coffee on one you're out of luck.

    [ December 31, 2004, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Randy G. ]
  5. Sorokin

    Sorokin New Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    Regarding the Simpson suit re-certs, I just had mine done. My suit was made in late '99/early '00 and was in good condition (although it's been used a lot). I walked the suit in, they took it away and inspected it and brought it out a few minutes later with the new re-certed '05 SFI 20 patches on it. While there, I saw a few of the suits that were being checked out for the re-certs. The ones NOT getting the SFI 20 tags were NOT in the greatest shape. It's my personal opinion that they are only trying to keep the racer as safe as possible. I experienced great service.

    Adam Sorokin...
  6. flash

    flash top alcohol

    May 12, 2003
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    my suit was in "like new condition" also made in 99 by simpson,used very little,and it received a sfi15 tag,not the 20 it had on it!! so in my opinion you are one of the few lucky ones that got by with a recert!maybe because you hand delivered it made a difference because they would have had to show you in person why it would not pass. I will not buy or use simpson products after the way I have been treated buy them on this recert deal!!
  7. coyotedale

    coyotedale Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    I spent a lengthy conversation on the phone with Sorokin regarding both of our experiences. Needless to say, he is just as miffed as I am as to why my suit wouldn't get a -20 tag.

    I've also chatted with another person who purchased a -20, brand new, 6 years ago. They didn't use it, and it still is in the box it shipped in. Guess what? He called them, and they said they wouldn't put a -20 tag on it. Brand new, in the box, and they didn't even look at it.

    Something smells over this whole deal.
  8. JJ Kumre

    JJ Kumre Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Here is the difference as I have seen it to be...
    1 guy WALKS his suit in and gets the -20 tag another SENDS his suit in and gets the -15 tag...

    I had mine WALKED in and 15 minutes later the suit has the -20...My suit had all of like 5 runs on it and was like new but I know alot of peoples were as well...

    I know I would not SEND a suit I or someone would walk it in...
  9. J-Drag

    J-Drag T/C

    Oct 29, 2003
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    I walked in with an unused -15. They said NO, too old! I walked out. Didn't work for me.

    Congrats on the ride!

    John Gates
  10. coyotedale

    coyotedale Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Jerry, what is the original date a mfg on your suit?

    Mine is still there, as I've yet to decide on what I'm going to do.

    If you want, email me direct at
  11. Bill Sweeney

    Bill Sweeney Jr. Dragster

    Jul 6, 2004
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    Alot of experiences here with Simpson; here's my recert story with Deist.

    -20, 2-piece that was originally assembled in '96, and then completely rebuilt in '99 when the dry cleaner got it too hot and cooked the inner lining. (Only reason it went to the dry cleaner was to attempt to remove the 70 weight after I got oiled in at Sonoma!) I took it in to Kirk Miller along with the receipt for the rebuild from '99, and the only delay was that they didn't have any -20 tags in stock.

    I dropped it off on a Monday, and picked it up that Thursday (actually Kirk delivered it to me as we live close to each other) with a -20 tag on both the jacket and pants. Cost with tax was $107.00.

    I'm happy.

    [ February 15, 2005, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: Bill Sweeney ]
  12. coyotedale

    coyotedale Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Bill, if you want to amuse yourself, call Simpson and ask them to explain their criteria for recert.

    I've heard some verbal tapdancing before, but this was like the show "Riverdance"
  13. whosyrdady

    whosyrdady Super Comp

    Sep 22, 2004
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    Well, here goes another dissatisfied Simpson customer. Sent my suit in for certification, even went as far as putting a note in with it that if it certifies I would be needing a new pair of boots. Got a call on Monday, Guess what my suit wouldnt cert a 20 but would at 15. She asked me if I would want to cert it at 15. I told her absolutely not I'm not going to pay you 50.00 dollars to cert something I cant use. You might think she would ask if I wanted to order a new suit. No she didnt. Kind of upset me, I was hoping to get to unload on her for selling me a inferior fire suit. I'm either going with Stroud or Deist. Would love to have a new Taylor suit just cant afford the extra 500.00. Anybody got any stories on either of these manufactures.
  14. Dennis Taylor

    Dennis Taylor Authorized Merchant

    Sep 3, 2003
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    What do you mean by the extra $500.00? We had a price increase this year, please call me. 800 329-2988. DT.
  15. flash

    flash top alcohol

    May 12, 2003
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    I ordered my new sfi-20 2 peice fire suit from dennis taylor after I got the simpson sfi-20 to a sfi-15 shuffle,it certainly was not 500.00 dollars higher.but the personal attention I received from taylor motorsports.on time delivery date,and quality second to none has a value attached to it that is priceless!! all my saftey equipment is taylor and will I get the chance to outrun him every once in a while.
  16. whosyrdady

    whosyrdady Super Comp

    Sep 22, 2004
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    I agree 100% that Dennis' suits are top notch and thats why I said I would love to have one of his suits. I run on a very small mechanics wage budget. A Stroud 2 piece suit with arm restraints will cost me $900, The Taylor suit, 2 piece with arm restraints will cost me $1350. Its not quite $500 but its very close. I use Taylor seat belts so its not a matter of if he makes good stuff. I wasnt trying to nock Dennis. Kevin Newburgh
  17. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    I purchased a Simpson 32A20 suit in 01/00, and used it in what proved to be my last full season. I've worn it a handful of times since. After reading about the troubles people have experienced, I decided to send it in to see what would happen. I called Simpson first, and explained what I had been reading here. They were very professional on the phone and assured me it would get a fair evaluation. Less than a week later I received a phone call informing me that it had been re-certed as a 20, and asking for payment instructions for the $50 fee. I'm sorry for the trouble some of you have had, but I have must say that my experience with them has been very positive.

    Russ Parker
  18. Chuck Bayuk

    Chuck Bayuk New Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    I had purchased a Simpson SFI-20 suit in 12/99.
    Sent it in to be recertified last December, came back a SFI-15. I went for buying their REDUCED (Simpson guilt complex for screwing me over)new SFI-20 suit for $650.00. Was able to sell my old, clean and now recerted SFI-15 suit on e-bay for $468.50. The sting of getting screwed by Simpson doesn't hurt as much now.
    Chuck B.
  19. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    just got a call from Roger at deist
    mine re-certed 20 with no problems
    glad i went with gut feelings years ago and bought diest suit when i found out simpson would not re-web belts

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