TPR2 fireproof coating flame test

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Randy G., Jul 12, 2009.

  1. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I mentioned in an earlier post a while ago that I had an individual tell me after spending the money on the under body paint he did his own test. He said the sample burned, unlike the Medlen ESPN2 test where the fire was not sustained once the torch was taken away. So, last week we did our own test.

    After doing a small repair on the back of our Monte Carlo body Daniel Oliver painted two coats of the TPR2 paint on a piece of carbon fiber. 1/2 of it was was painted and 1/2 was left unpainted. He let it dry between coats and after the second coat we let it dry for a couple days.

    I put the piece on a steel table and used a propane torch to do the tests. I held the torch to a painted section and it appeared to show pin-point size glowing embers with a small yellow fire around the torch flame. As soon as I pulled the torch away the fire was out. I did the same thing to the unpainted section and it caught fire and burned even after removing the torch. I had to put the fire out.

    I took some oil and spread it on painted and unpainted sections and did the test again. This time the oil caught fire on the painted section where the torch was directed. As soon as I pulled the torch away, the fire immediately died down, flickered a couple times and went out. I lit it up again in the same area and it duplicated the first test results. Then I lit the unpainted section with oil on it. This time the fire burned more intensly, and once I removed the torch it continued to burn. I had to put the fire out.

    For the final test I kept the torch on the painted carbon fiber for several minutes. The carbon appeared to burn with a low yellow flame while I held the torch to it. Again, there were pinpoint size glowing embers in the area being torched. The carbon fiber sample started to come apart like it was delaminating so I pulled the torch away. The flame flickered for a second and died. Same test on the unpainted section saw the carbon light up and continue to burn until I put the fire out myself.

    While I don't claim to be Jamie on "Mythbusters" I would say the tests undeniably confirmed that the TPR2 paint we purchased and used on our FC body did an outstanding job protecting against ongoing fire on our sample.


    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009

    KKNOWLES Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    We did the same thing when we did Pattons new body the first of the year, but painted a piece of cardboard with the under coat paint. Two coats and once it was dry we took the propane torch to it same results.

    Foolish Money TA/FC
  3. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Just like the old Miller Lite commercials


    You are certainly no Adam. Maybe a cross between Jamie and Mike Rowe. You can start a show called "Dirty Myths". What do you think?
  4. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I don't think my wife would approve.
  5. bryanbrown

    bryanbrown Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    I did the same thing with a 2x4 and had the same results. you didn't happen to test the old gray paint also, did you? I'd be interested to see what it does compared to the new stuff

    WANNABE New Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Next time you are doing this type of thing, let me know. I have been playing with a fire retardent vinylester resin. Would love to see how it does in a perfect side by side test.
  7. RickB

    RickB New Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Hi from Rick B at TPR2..thx for the endorsements

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for taking the time and trying the product yoursel(f)ves & writing to others to let them know the real story.

    ..Its great to see people care about safety as much as we do. For the person who asked about the other composite, It would work on that as well.

    Hopefully more people will start using it in other racing venues since even mandated in NHRA, it's hard selling enough to break even on the product.

    If anyone has questions, suggestions or neat stories, PLEASE contact me. We believe in our safety products and hope you will as well!

    Be fast, Be safe..


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