What gears in a LencoDrive for F/C

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrod796, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. hotrod796

    hotrod796 New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I'm looking into a LencoDrive for my F/C and need to know what gear sets to look for. My combination is this:

    125" Chassis with '56 Ford Crown Vic Body
    540 CID Keith Black
    BAE Stage 3 Heads
    Littlefield 14-71 HH delta case
    9" Rear with 4.28 gears
    34.5" X 17" tire
    Weighs approximately 2400 lbs with driver
    1/4 mile top sportsman and index racing with a soft tuneup

    Are there any identified problems that I should like for? In addition to airpods, lines, buttons and converter, what else do I need to make one of these work?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    You will need a shifter for the reverser with neutral safety switch. I guess Snyder can point you in the right direction. Don
  3. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Are you planning on a 2- or 3-speed? Snyder only advertises a 1.56 or 1.73 first gear ratio on the 2-speeds, not sure why. I ran a 1.56 2-speed, 4.10 in an ex/fuel car, almost identical engine combo in a quick-8 group, ran easy 4.20's 1/8th mile, same engine in my altered with a Bruno/3-speed, 1.76 first, 4.10's also, running 7.0's, had reservations about using 3 speed with convertor in a solid rear car, but so far its worked out well. Car is around 2050 with me in it.
  4. hotrod796

    hotrod796 New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I'm going to run a 3 speed. Is this something I'll have to try and swap sets until I get the right one?
  5. Nitro Madness

    Nitro Madness Super Comp

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Sent you a PM on this....call me at 515-727-1444 (ext 11) office or 515-987-4900 home to discuss....I've been through several Lencodrive gear ratio changes and can give you the details...Scott Gaulter
  6. quick cut

    quick cut Member

    May 22, 2007
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    Lenco Drive in F/c

    Scott. I have nearly the same Comb in my F/C looking Lenco drive as well.
    I would be intrested in your input as well or anyone elses.
    What size & brand of conveter & ratios.
  7. Nitro Madness

    Nitro Madness Super Comp

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Copied my post from a few years ago....when we had violent tire shake and launch problems....hope this helps...

    We had a 3.89 rear gear in the Nitro Madness car (125" Altered) last year with a 1.81 low first gear = 7.04 overall first gear ratio (3.89 X 1.81). The car was fairly consistent, but would get loose occasionally...would spin or shake sometimes. Then we switched cars and used the same engine and trans in the new car. The new chassis came with a 4.29 Strange top loader, so I decided to leave the rear end ratio the same. Well, if you do the math (4.29 X 1.81), it now was 7.76 overall first gear. The new car either shook violently or spun the tires no matter what we did. If the track was good, it shook...if the track was bad, it spun. Tire pressure, wheelie bar, weight bar, etc. did little to correct the problem. Since the Lencodrive had a 1.38 first section and a 1.31 second section, Frank Parks (Neil & Parks) suggested we leave in 2nd gear. I re-plumbed the air lines to engage the 1.31 unit when the air was turned on. We now had a 1.38 first gear and 4.29 rear for an overall first gear ratio of 5.92 and only shift once. Well - it worked great! The call leaves consistently with a .996-1.000 - 60' time...4 teens in the 8th and 6.40's in the 1/4....every run is very predictable. I know that you did not ask a gear ratio question, but consider taking a little ratio away at the hit and the tire problem should correct itself..I cant describe how well the launch is now - smooth and straight! Hits the wheelie bar nice a soft - picks the front end up and sets it down smoothly....just a blast to run this new car! I do not have a perfect overal 1st gear ratio figured out...maybe 6.00 to 6.50 might be good...over 7.00 definetely causes launch problems...
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009

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