481X & Littlefield 14/71?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blowntrifive, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. blowntrifive

    blowntrifive Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    Hey guys was wondering if anybody is running a 481X with a Mert Littlefield 14/71 hi Helix with K-11 rotors? If so how much boost are you getting and how good is the performace? We got a new combo were are putting together. All the goods stuff for the fuel system as well, waterman 850,quad star hat and AJ intake as well. We have a new littlefield 14/71 Hi Helix with K-11 rotors and was wondering how this blower would work for this engine. We made 44 psi on a 540bbc at 8800 rpm with this blower,but not sure if this would do it for the AJPE 481x We got. looking for any comparison between our blower and the Kobelco 14/71 Hi Helix. Any insight you guys would have or experiance would be great thanks!
  2. lowcountry71

    lowcountry71 New Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    i'm close to your combination. my mert has k-9s. you should call AJPE and talk with terry morrow. he is their 481x fuel system guy. terry is an excellent resource for your motor. i haven't run my motor yet. i was told the 14/71 had 48 lbs of boost on the hemi it came off of. i know of another 481x which runs 5.80s in a dragster/bruno 2 speed lenco. good luck with your project - andy burnet.
  3. blowntrifive

    blowntrifive Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    thanks Andy talked to Terry before. We made 44lbs of boost @ 37% over. We ran 7.40's with a lenco drive in a 3300 steel car.Looking to see if this combo will work or do we need to buy the kobelco and not use the littlefield? thanks again Vinnie.
  4. shawn davis

    shawn davis Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    I ran a Littlefield k9 rotor then switched to a modded k11 on a 481x, not a whole lot of diference between the two. nothing wrong with that littlefield unit
  5. blowntrifive

    blowntrifive Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    Hey Shawn that is what I'm looking for, I have been told not to waste my to time with the littlefield and go to the kobelco, I just don't know of anyone running it and switched to say so or that it was worth it,thanks for the imput Vinnie.

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