Impact SFI-15 and SFI-20 Firesuit Fail SFI Testing

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Richard Putz, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I'll add a thank Richard Putz for not backing down.

    Anyone else catch the Lucas Oil coverage of Gainesville on TV today? Sure looked like Frank had on an old "Simpson" suit. A few others had some older looking suits, too.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Let me lay it out for you in simple terms so you understand several key points in all this. I don't want you to miss out here because you seem to be a very emotional person. I was being helpful by giving one example of how I could submit one material for testing and approval, then make production runs with another material and asked if it would prove to be a problem with SFI. Except for my example about myself, I never said anyone uses virgin wool and 50% cotton. You said I said I did. Now pay attention, please.

    Consider what you know from the manufacturer and the foundation:

    It's starts out friendly like it's no big deal, then it quickly deteriorates.

    #1. The manufacturer issues a recall but says it's not a recall. They just want to inspect products and make it a point to claim that of all the products they've inspected have had no problems. This was after NHRA was telling people at Pomona they couldn't wear certain 2008 products.

    #2. And a little while later, the man himself gets on here and directs a post to Richard Putz where he admits "We cut those suits open and added what was necessary to bring them into spec." Is this a change of tune since they said there were no problems?

    #3. And a little later still, SFI "Decertifies" a grocery list of -15 and -20 products made in 2008 including what was sent back to the company, even if it was inspected and relabeled. So no one with a 2008 stated product without a back up plan can drive their race cars now.

    #4. And then just a little later than that (sorry to everyone, I'm just trying to help Chi with the time line), Bob Gibson, an employee, says on the Classic Funny Car Board something to the effect of "Right now we are making all new suits to replace the ones that fall in this recall date category." Wow? What happened to just adding adding what was necessary?

    So, as you can see we've gone from: No little totally replacing all products that fall into the dreaded decertification. Things that make you go Hmmm.

    Since the word is out and action is being taken to correct the problem I'm about done discussing this. As far as I'm concerned we replaced our equipment several months ago when we knew it was bad and moved on. Then Richard gets dumped on, and since I am in the loop, I made sure the discussion remained on track. And now I've decided I don't think it's my job to educate the second string crowd such as yourself anymore on this since you have no "need to know" anyway.

    Like I said on the Classic Funny Car Board. If you think the fire department pulled the plug on the Titanic just to put out an ash tray fire I'm happy for you. If you've been paying attention, including the expert speculators and the second string damage control team who either don't know what they are talking about or have been told what to say, nothing credible or completely factual has been said on any message board or anywhere else on the internet about any real specifics of any tests done, meaning you have no idea why these products were ultimately ruled "Decertified." I chuckled when I read your statement "The way I read it" because nothing has been posted worth reading except for Richard's post, meaning you really don't know what's going on. You may think you do, and you may have been told you do, and you may even work for the guy who says you do...but you don't. Trust me.

    By the way, I somehow missed your name.

    Come to think of it, maybe I didn't.


    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  3. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    More spin. a name is just a sound...mine sounds like. Don Hudson

    Thank you for taking time to come on here and put YOUR .02 into this very important discussion. Most of us Race car owners/drivers/tuners and crew guys that participate on this forum are "real" people. That use their REAL names, and dont show up here to defend there friend/employers position.

    You could have done a much better job of making your point, and gain some credibility, had you shown who you really are right out of the gate. If you fear losing your job for speaking up, Either keep you words and thoughts to yourself, or find a new job that wont "terminate your spirit".

    It seems that your "spirit" might be headed in the wrong direction.

    In this sport we go STRAIGHT AHEAD instead of coming in at an ANGLE.

    And just for the record, I am a "real" live guy, that has spent half of my life, and the bulk of my net worth participating in this great sport. (for real information about me.)

    Russ, where are you when I need you.
  4. Prospector

    Prospector Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    My Name is Jay Mageau and I think this Goodwin is the smartest guy on this board.

    I whole heartedly agree with Mr Goodwins opinion above, and believe that any manufacturer can potentially do the same as he suggests .

    So after the lynching, what is the next preventitive step?

    Jay Mageau
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  5. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    i be dummer

    Jeee, i hop i donnt gett know dummer. >Fsi< delete< sFI -Arnnie tolld me i wass dumm abot "heet treeting", now i mighte gett dummer yet? lord i hop nott

    i am glaad Arnnie is write thsi timme
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Your post reminds me of the saying "The older I get, the better I was."

    When you get as old as we are, you actually reach a point in life where you think you've seen everything. Then something like this comes along. That's what keeps us young.

  7. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I have to ask since yesterday we did the pour n place seat
    so i did drag out all my Impact stuff to wear while i sat there and sweated waiting for it to set, felt weird, anyway my question is:

    My suit top is marked 2006
    My pants are marked 2007 should I be worried :eek:
    My new replacement boots are marked 2009
  8. Kenneth S

    Kenneth S Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    If I were you I would call Impact tomarrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  10. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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  11. The Leveler

    The Leveler New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    is it just me or is he trying to pollish a turd and call it good. :eek: quit trying to to get by the facts and do the right thing :mad:

    Shane Pearmain TAD 508/ Top Dragster 512E
  12. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I am not a fan of SHINY TURDS.

    My boots are 2009 now too. I'll calling them again tomorrow to know if i need to send them in again.

    I'm pretty nervous about my Impact helmet. Anyone else?
  13. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    If it was retagged prior to the recall, it must be sent back again.
  14. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    THanks Will. I guess i'll be wearing my old Simpsons while they are figuring this crap out.

    I am looking at Taylor's boots now. I'm tired of knowing my UPS guy this well.
  15. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    Great plan, Dennis is the Man.


    PS IMO Impact should be offering refunds on their decertified junk...
  16. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I don't know. What I do know is that Daniel compared the Nomex head sock on his new IMPACT hemet and found it to be quite a bit thinner than the Nomex head sock in his brand new SIMPSON he bought to replace it. It was obvious because his Hanns device is tighter around his neck. I've heard the same story from others, too.
  17. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Just a question from a crew guy/former SC driver who still has Simpson safety equipment. Why did so many racers go away from Simpson after Bill left and formed Impact? Not defending any particular brand just curious as to why many pro and alcohol racers made the switch.

    Maybe I shoulda started my own thread but figured Id throw this out there

    I use my real name but its not like many of you know who the hell I am by name anyways. You might regocinize me if you saw me at a track somewere but still not know who I am :D
  18. Prospector

    Prospector Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    right around the time Impact started, so did the dated suit thing. at the time Simpson race wear would not recert anyones -20 suites. if you were lucky, they would down cert it to a -15 and ate tag it. anyways,, that was a few years ago and Simpson was heavily scorned in the racing comunity for this.

    I was involved because I had a 2 year old Simpson suit at the time, and they would only "down cert " it.

    Funny how many web site forum jockeys recommended going to Impact back then.

    Jay Mageau
  19. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Jay has a point- I was caught up in the whole simpson downgraded suit recert deal too. I had a beautiful, perfect -20 suit and they wouldn't recert it. The guy I talked to at Simpson said he would recert it for 3 years but not five and since there isn't an option for a three year cert I was out of luck. Now how can it be good enough for any recert if it wasn't good enough for a 5 year cert? Sorry- I was rambling- My point it that many of us identified the simpson suit decert issue with Bill Simpson's leaving there. We thought he was the good guy. Apparently not. My name is Dave Germain and I am not the president
  20. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Is it a coincidence that Bill Simpson left Simpson Race Products right about the time suit recertifications were made necessary? Supposedly the reason for the 5 year certification is that there a 'number' of suits out there that were below certification, and the only way to get them out of circulation was to put a date on the suits. Then Simpson said they wouldn't recert them, then when they did, SFI 20 suits were downgraded to SFI 15 suits. I think we're all smart enough to know that suits don't lose layers over time. If they had "degraded" they would have not been suitable for any use? Put 2 and 2 together there.

    At the root of this, at some point someone made the decision or mistake to make the suits differently than the accepted standards from SFI.

    People also need to know that there are TWO infractions on the suits that are failing at SFI. One, there isn't enough layers for the 20 and 15 certification, and the second one, is that the material itself, along with the way it was assembled was different than the sample originally sent to SFI that granted them certification.

    Again, at some point, someone had to make the decision to change from the accepted layers, material and construction.

    So it's either a decision that was made or gross incompetence going on there. So if it's just 'mistakes' how many others are made on seat belts, helmets, etc? Maybe it's just the firesuit department.

    Mistakes happen in the real world. The way the company has handled this situation just makes it stink even more.

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