Say Goodnight IHRA

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Chuck Anderika, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Chuck Anderika

    Sep 13, 2005
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    See article Competition plus, the line just got longer for screw blowers.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2008
  2. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    "Pending an 11th hour reprieve, both the Nitro and Alcohol Funny Car divisions will not return on a full-time basis, if at all. Those eliminators were funded through sponsorship money from Torco Race Fuels."
  3. konrodz

    konrodz Member

    May 10, 2006
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    What a sad day>>>>>>>>

    Like I said all along, what a joke, the IHRA has become. It just makes me sick that they waited so late to announce it. They damn well knew all along that they had NO Sponsor. All of the great Pro Mod guys have left already for the ADRL or Jeg's series,so why not take that class out and put in the A/FC. I guess there is no chance that Al Anabi would step in to purchase the circus and save the day. Maybe its because they don't want to get involved with a bunch of clowns.
  4. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    At least they told us now instead of waiting till 2 weeks before they start like last year!
    Wonder how many will be able to afford the switch to a screw from their roots program?

    Still gives us 4 months to do everything. :mad:
  5. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    I think I just puked my turkey:mad:
  6. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    I can't really say too much about this since it would only effect our team for one event, in our hometown Edmonton since it's the only IHRA race we can afford to race at - however, I had the gut feeling it would turn out this way as soon as we all got those bogus letters a few years ago when then switched to 8-car fields. I guess that didn't save them enough money to save our class. What a shame...:mad:
  7. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    I cannot imagine why they are having problems signing a series sponsor with Aaron and Scooter at the helm . Dropping the af/c's is the wrong thing to do , many of the racers have stuck it out with the IHRA when they should have left a long time ago .
  8. allen

    allen New Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    because cookie cutteralcohol cars are boring, promod is more exciting to watch
    they said nostalgia f/c could run, now that would be cool
    dont blame ihra or feld ent. they covered all evan knolls bad debt
    to the racers, so bash him instead
    hey nancy how is your old friend evan doing? did ya go to the sale?
    its your old buddy allen you said got dropped on his head last winter
    looks like i was right eh!
    have a good one
  9. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    There's always got to be at least one jerk in every crowd.

    I was also very excited when IHRA came to town, but haven't been so impressed since. Maybe our track will bring in an 8 car booked in show, maybe even allow screw blowers. I know a lot of people that really enjoy the alcohol show, and appreciate the pro mods; it doesn't have to be one or the other.
  10. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    In all seriousness, who is the "Guru of the Screw"? I will need everything from manifold up:( I hate the thought of having to learn this stuff all over again so I want to purchase something that is right the FIRST time for a change! Oh and Allen, have you ever even driven an Alky car?? Show your cards:rolleyes:
  11. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Come ride with the "screw crew"...

    Lots of good help out there for the screw
    Bob Miner- MBR racing engines
    Randy Anderson- Advanced power Systems
    Les Davenport-
    Bob Newberry
    Gorr Fuel systems
    Fred Mandolini
    Contact Mike Pavia At (315)725-0668(a very obvious one I forgot, sorry Mike!!)

    If I left someone out, just add to this list. Im sure there are others
    Good luck.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2008
  12. alkyman

    alkyman New Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Mutt and Jeff

    First I would like to say I am not a racer but a fan who takes his wife to the races and pays to watch. I have followed IHRA since 1997 and I am not really suprised by Aaron Peabrain's announcement today on Competition Plus. Notice that they couldn't even do it on their own website which really sucks by the way. Since Mr Bader left the man along with idiot sidekick Stroller ( It can't be a Scooter because he is still taking baby steps) has taken a great series that was fun to attend and turn it into a Dog and Pony show. Last year's Milan Nitro qualifying would make even a diehard fan want to puke up their turkey. It is no wonder Milan doesn't have an event because they probably told IHRA to shove it.The last 5 races we have attended sucked with the exception of Alcohol Funny Car, Pro Mod and Pro Stock but even these shows are not as good because the car counts are way down and making Alcohol Funny Car an 8 car field was at best ludicrus. I remeber watch Von Smith, Jimmy Rector, Mark Thomas, Scott Weney, Billy Gibson race and it was greta when you added the Atchison's, Burketts, Sickles, Cannister and John Vouros to name a few. I remember one time at Rockingham there were 70 Pro Mods, 40 Alcohol Funny Cars and 39 Pro Stocks but now you will be lucky to 70 cars total. Why you ask? Not because of economics but because the jackasses that are the driving force at IHRA. These 2 idiots give Circus a bad name. Did you notice how Peabrain mentioned how Feld footed the bill for his screw up. Did E-Max ever pay? How do they ever expect to get a major series sponsor when they have no idea what the hell they are doing ? Notice NHRA schedule was released in July or August and theirs was done in November then 2 weeks later after they said they were keeping Alcohol Funny Car they drop it. Face the facts Ladies and Gentlemen these guys have no idea what the **** they are doing. I talked to a bunch of racers and the Sportsman Pro Ladder is the biggest bullshit deal ever. What incentive is their to qualify # 1 when meet # 5 in round one or in Pro Mod and Pro Stock 1 vs 9. That puppy you would have assume came from Stroller Peaco because even Peabrain wasn't assinine enough to come up with that. Thanks IHRA for making my life a lot more relaxing as I won't be going to Grand Bend, Martin or Epping but you can bet your sweet ass I will be going to Norwalk and Indy. I feel really bad for Rob Atchison, Mark Thomas, Dale Brand, Laurie Cannister, Tom Carter, Paul Noakes,Terry McMillen, Larry Dobbs, Tony Bogolo and all the fine racers that I have met over the years that race IHRA Alcohol Funny Car because they are the greatest bunch of people my wife and I have met. Hopefully Grand Bend, Martin and Epping go NHRA because they are fun places to attend. The beaches close by are great. I guess the wife and I will be able to lay on the beach more next year. See a bunch of you Funny Car guys at Norwalk home of Bill Bader SR and Junior and a real class act of a place. We got hooked there to start with because of their "Night of Fire".
  13. Chris Gerber

    Chris Gerber New Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    If anything, I see IHRA turning into a deal where most of the racing takes place in one day. Like it or not, that may be what they need to do to survive.
    I have to say that it seems Aaron was dealt some pretty crappy cards. Drag racing needs a strong IHRA and I hope that Aaron will be able to get the organization through this.
  14. mike kirk

    mike kirk New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    No Kiddin....did I mention CIRCUS!!!!!!
  15. alkyman

    alkyman New Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    What cards are you talking about Chris?? The IHRA was on a strong foundation the fan base was there good tracks in place and then he and his sidekick backstabbed Bill Bader out. Once Bader took Norwalk to NHRA the writing was on the wall. Surely to God Feld can't be that stupid that he can't see the downward spiraling trend that has happened since Half Wit and Dim Wit took over!!!!
  16. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Does this mean they're not going back to a 16 car field?? :p
  17. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    I thinks so, but your drivers door needs to open now!
  18. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    i think i have a sawsall around here somewhere!!
  19. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    what do we do now

    i was looking foward to getting a better roots blower and a better set of heads over the winter to get back to the ihra racing i sure cant afford to go to nhra on my own when i was running ihra afc in the mid 90s to 2001 45 cars would show up for the 16 spots and when i got a new car ihra is down to an 8 car field that sucked so all that is left for me is hopefully someone can book more match races and the outlaw quick 8s like buck todd used to put on were a ton of fun and the pay was decent good luck guys on what ever you do i have a good car 07 mustang body and 04 chassis if some one has a good motor and cant afford to go to nhra on there own i would be interested
  20. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I feel sorry for IHRA in a way, not so much for the company folks but all the racers that made up the IHRA, they will be the ones to suffer from here on out.
    I do believe that from here on out it will be a down ward trend that will end up being one large bracket race or sold of again.
    The economy is in the toilet, no one will step forward to sponsor what is left of the circus. Lets face it IHRA you did not hold up your part of the show.

    I can not see any one paying $40 for a one day ticket to go watch what will be left of the show now, they will be lucky to get $40 a car load, when I can go to a better track and watch the Big Show for about the same money.
    If it is true the majority of the top Pro Mods are gone that will make it even worse in many ways.
    Let's not forget Edmonton
    Unbelievable they kept the pro stock class after Edmonton last year when they had what was it, 1 car show up, and dropped the afc class who had 12 cars there trying for a 8 car field.

    Yes many will say it was only 2 classes
    But the AFC class was really getting competitive, look back at what it took just to get in the show at any given race it was tough and you had to have your game together
    Pro stock in my opinion is just BORING in either org.

    The AFC class had 8 cars in ever race last year only one race had 8 cars,
    every other race had a min of 10-15 trying for an 8 car field

    Am I upset sure, but many don't realize what it takes and costs to build a new AFC car from the ground up to run a set back roots as i can not just put a screw back on it with out an awlful lot of work

    Even if i had the pocketful of cash it will take to change!

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