Methanol Comparison

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blwnaway, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. blwnaway

    blwnaway Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Anyone know the difference in M1, M3 and M5? This is an outlaw promod so the gravity test is not a problem. I have always ran M1 but have considered switching.
  2. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    From VP's website

    M1TM - M1 is the best straight methanol on the market. No frills, but consistently 99.85+% pure and always packaged in lined drums, as are all VP fuels. That means no contaminants and peace of mind from knowing you don’t have to deal with fuel issues. When fuel rules require the use of straight methanol with no additives, M1 is the best option.

    M3TM - M3 contains combustion and lubrication additives that improve vaporization and increase burning speed. These factors, combined with a better seal of the rings due to the lubrication additive, make substantially more power than straight methanol—up to a 50 Hp gain in a 1030 Hp engine. The improvement in throttle response is also significant—up to a 5% increase in torque across a wider rpm range. On-track results indicate a .02-.03 improvement in ET in the 1/8 mile. The improved combustion also helps the thermal efficiency of the air/fuel mixture. This expands the range of ignition, contributes to better ‘startability’ and more consistency run to run, while lowering the exhaust temperature 40-100°. Not only will M3’s improved combustion make more power and offer better protection against detonation, it also inhibits the noxious fumes you typically get with standard methanol, so it’s much easier on your eyes and nose. A somewhat unexpected benefit of M3 is a 30% decrease in fuel consumption. That means if you typically use 40 gallons over a race weekend, you’ll only need about 25-30 gallons of M3. M3 also includes an anticorrosion package, so there’s no need to add anything else to address lubrication or corrosion issues.

    Property/Typical Values M1 M3 M5 TestMethods
    Specific Gravity@ 60F° .795 .784 .816 ASTM D 4052
    Reid Vapor Pressure 4.60 8.57 7.66 ASTM D 323
    Color Clear Clear Clear

    Since M3 is not pure methanol, it won’t pass a water test. But where permitted, it will substantially improve performance in 60-70% of all applications, requiring no jetting or timing changes—just pour it in and get up to 5% more Hp. However, not every vehicle will run quicker with M3. For example, in applications that typically run very rich, M3’s improved vaporization will lead to less volumetric efficiency, such that the car will run faster MPH, but stumble at the launch. In most of these instances, jetting changes will reverse that effect. In carbureted systems, smaller squirters and less aggressive pump cams will be required, while injection systems will require leaning out the idle system (not the main system). For customers who want more power but prefer not to deal with these adjustments, M5 will be the best option.

    M5TM – M5 is simply the best performing methanol on the market. With its upgraded combustion additives, M5 will make more power than M3, while offering the same or better protection against detonation. Like M3, M5 offers a wider range for tuning, as reflected by the fact that the bracket racers who have helped us in testing have experienced no problems with tuning or tuning consistency. M5 also reduces noxious methanol fumes, although not as well as M3. That means that while M5 is the best choice for making the most power in unrestricted applications, M3 will still be the best option for some venues, notably enclosed stadiums. M5 is not pure methanol and won’t pass a water test.
  3. LeWhite

    LeWhite BB/Alt

    Jan 23, 2008
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    M3 ' you'll get less fuel consumption over the weekend , 40gal to 25gal '.......
    'no jetting changes needed'
    there is one way to do that and its not desireable.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
  4. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    we have tried both in our T/D the M3 did not pick us up any, we run a Inj. 572. The M3 I was told by VP's Jason Rueckert is made for carbs. and the M5 is for Injection the M5 might have helped just a little but dont know for sure. The only thing I did not like about the both it seem to make the car harder to start when it set over night then when we ran M1.

    this some of what is in M5

    Q. Does M5 contain Nitromethane?

    A. M5 contains nitroparaffins, which are relatives of nitromethane in the same chemical family

    Maybe they should let the Alcohol cars run this fuel :D

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  5. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    According to VP Fuels M5 does not contain nitro but does contain an oxidizer that results in more oxygen in the burn
  6. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I wonder if there using the same oxygenate adder there using in there new oxygenated gasolines........MTBE (Methyl tert-butyl ether).

  7. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I heard they used nitroethanes, but the older I get the more I hear and the less I believe.

    Richard Gavle
  8. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    M5 contains nitroparaffins, which are relatives of nitromethane in the same chemical family
  9. blwnaway

    blwnaway Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Well I am still not sure what it contains but I am sure that the driver nor crew could see or breathe while the car was staging. Those of you that run M5, how do you see. Our car was not "fat" and didnt milk the oil any at all but the fumes are horrendous.
  10. B.DOUCET

    B.DOUCET New Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    I tried the M5 in my blown engine. The fuel pressure at idle was so high that I had to reset all the poppets. Not sure what they have in it but it weighs 138# per drum more than M1! I changed back to M1 and will stay there until someone shows me a real gain in HP.
  11. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I believe that most the top blower ProMod cars in ADRL are using it and seeing power gains. I wonder if Scott Cannon used it in his ProMod 5.73/252 run at Englishtown.
  12. blwnaway

    blwnaway Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Was it hard for you to see/breathe the fumes Bill?
  13. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    the heavy fumes are a byproduct of a rich condition usually. when you run a lot of fuel when the air is good, the fumes will get worse under the awning.

    is the car staging at idle or at rpm?

    it probably had more to do with wind direction and/or header design/angle than anything. probably 95% or more of the blown alky cars out there run pure methanol and don't have those problems.

    norm drazy told me that the byproduct of unburned methanol is fromaldehyde (sp?), that's why it burns your eyes.

    i'd be inclined to believe the problem is either rich fuel system or something to do with the headers/car. i've had my car 2 gallons rich and not milk the oil. if the bv isn't too rich but the main jet is, it could create such a situation.

    in other words, your problem isn't the fuel type, it's somewhere else. sure switching fuels may diminish the fumes, but you're just crutching the problem, and potentially opening doors for new problems with the other type of fuel.

    thing with m1 you can get a fuel system guy to get you pretty dialed in. the m3's and m5's, how many pistons and motors do you have to burn to find what the edge is on bv, fuel volume, compression and timing.

    the way any little change effects a blown motor, i'd be more inclined to believe someone in vp's marketing department came up with the 'no jetting changes required' line, rather than an actual tuner.

    you can go pretty fast with m1 methanol.
  14. blwnaway

    blwnaway Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    All egts at stage are around 800 degrees and it burned 3 threads on the pass. This is not a new combo, just switched fuel and wham. Maybe we are just sissy's lol.
  15. B.DOUCET

    B.DOUCET New Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    Yes, when we would warm up the car. My crew guy that brings me in to the pre-stage beam hated it also. If it proves to make more power, I'll try it again and set the fuel system up for it. For now, I'll stick with the M1
  16. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    M5 was worth about 6 MPH in the 1/8 on my 10.5 car and the fuel does contain NITROPARAFINS. Its labeled as such on the drum, I am a dealer for VP and I love the stuff. I have only ran it a couple times with my little blower, the new hihelix makes so much power I dont need it yet, BUT... It was worth about .04 in ET on the car and would have been more but the car was spinning the tires. On our non blown injected car its .07 and 3 mph... GOOD STUFF... FATTEN THE MAIN up 10 numbers to start..
  17. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    and my guys are happy Im on M1 again. the starters are too....lmao

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