anybody want to eat crow?

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by allen, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. allen

    allen New Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    seems evan didnt have a headache after all !!!!!
  2. blownracer/a-fuel

    May 14, 2004
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    I promise you he has a headache.
  3. allen

    allen New Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    thats a good one, this is all over the local news here in sw mi
  4. scsp390

    scsp390 New Member

    May 8, 2008
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    I am not a bit surprised that this has happened. I spoke to a very reliable source back in March at the NHRA Gator Nationals. The person I spoke with said that this was bound to happen. At the begining of the year TORCO was the title sponsor for the NHRA National event in Richmond, VA in October. But in early spring for unbeknowst to everyones surprise-the event now is unsponosred!?!?! Go figure!?!?!?

    Hope the IHRA has a "Plan B" for 2009!?!?!?!
  5. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    you know the man help a hell of a lot of teams for 3 or 4 years and now that he is down all some of you want to do it kick him
  6. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    mine hurts too.......

    This threads gunna git ugly.

    Pass the popcorn
  7. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    so whats the deal

    What did I miss. What is up with Evan? This post makes it sound like he is in trouble. What is the scoop?
  8. scsp390

    scsp390 New Member

    May 8, 2008
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    Clint... Here is the latest on the TORCO Evan Knoll story.

    Lanny-no one is kicking the man. Sometimes the Truth just really hurts. Please don't tell me you are in the least but shocked by this???????

    Written by CompetitionPlus
    Thursday, 14 August 2008

    The Kalamazoo Gazette is reporting that Internal Revenue Service agents raided the corporate office of Torco Race Fuels founder Evan Knoll on Thursday.

    The newspaper reported Steven Moore, a spokesman for the criminal investigations division of the IRS, said the federal agents executed a search warrant at Knoll’s business office in downtown Decatur, Michigan.

    As many as 20 federal agents and Van Buren County Sheriff deputies took part in the operation which is reported to include a second unnamed location in Decatur.

    Van Buren County Undersheriff Paul Edwards was contacted by the IRS in order to provide what the Kalamazoo Gazette reported as a “uniformed presence”. has spoken to Knoll's attorney Lawrence Wilson, who described the IRS "visit" as a blessing and alleges the company's current financial situation on embezzlement. More information will be published shortly. also contacted former Torco C.F.O. Latrell Preston for comment but declined until he could speak with his attorney.
  9. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    embezzelment now thats a tricky word thats where you can get in trouble for spending your own money the wrong way ( your companys money )i still dont really understand that word but the IRS does i had them basturds in my office for about 8 weeks man that was scary for real
  10. barszcz

    barszcz New Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    you know whats kind of funny in all this... bobby bennett and his competitionplus "breaking the story". bobby used to be all over evans nuts just like everyone else out there that was trying to get something from him. i can tell you having been a fly in clutch guy for one of his teams a few years ago, people used to swarm around evan just trying to become his "friend." i think that is so &^#$ed up. i think his generosity got taken advantage of and for the last few months he got thrown under the bus. im not slamming anyone here. just pointing out simple fact that as soon as someone has some issues whether they are self induced or by an employee people are so ready to jump ship. its not right.

    by the way, this is joe barszcz.
  11. TAD1320

    TAD1320 New Member

    Apr 13, 2005
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    Amen Joe. Friends and people who want to look like 'em are the first to stab you in the back when money is involved.Like the old saying goes,"Nice guys
    finish last!"If these guys read ALL the article, they will learn more.
  12. konrodz

    konrodz Member

    May 10, 2006
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    I had the pleasure of meeting both Latrell and Even, and to tell you the truth they are both great people. Shit happens and people like pointing the finger at everybody else. I hope that one day the truth comes out and we really find out who stole what and where all of that so called stolen funds went. When money is involved it gets real nasty and stories are told from everyone but the truth hopefully will come out some day. The last thing that we must always remember is to thank Even Knoll for what he did for the racing world.
  13. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    good & bad

    if evan knoll had cut all his deals in nov last year, he would have walked away from the sport, regardless of what happens legally, a hero forever.

    he helped a lot of people race at a level they may not have been able to without his involvement. but like the old saying 'one aw shit will ruin a bunch of attaboys.'

    instead he made promises he couldn't fufill. maybe the people shouldn't have spent the money that wasn't in the bank, but he had came through up until the end of '07.

    it's just a mess, and now there seems to be some legal CYA going on and some finger pointing is going to go on.

    it's just sad it's came to this...
  14. barszcz

    barszcz New Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    ya know since this is kinda along the same subject but not really... i wish someone somewhere would start sensoring some of the shit that gets posted on all these websites. dont get me wrong, i love the freedom that we have to post almost whatever we want on these forums, but i think at some point you need to put a limit on it. i mean, do we need to know everyone's dirty laundry? i can assure you that are people that post on this website and the other two that will owns that have bad debt and bounced checks. and i am no different. i think the people that are quick to jump ship and throw someone under the bus would likely feel much differently if the shoe was on the other foot.

    man, this may become a regular thing for me. we'll call it "you know what really grinds my gears?" haha!
  15. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Joe I think that happens in every Motorsport, sponsorships are SOOO Tough to come by that when someone comes along and starts tossing around cash. Well you described it as best as I could of. But what gets me in all of this is, everyone's all bent over teams NOT getting their cash from Evan/Torco, Yet I can think of team after team that has gotten dumped in the middle of 3 or 5 year sponsor deals like it's nothing! That or they got little or nothing of what was signed for. WWF, Bilstein, Schick, Skytel, and I bet there a Ton more.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  16. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    key difference


    One key difference in most of the above cases is that the deals didn't fall through after the company told them they were going to be sponsored again.
  17. konrodz

    konrodz Member

    May 10, 2006
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    I hear that Latrell may issue a statement some time this week. All I can say is, it should be interesting to hear on what he has to say. It reminds me of a soap opera.
  18. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I can't speak for the Torco sponsored guys but I can speak for myself. I met with a major sponsor last fall. We made a deal for the entire 2008 season. Wanting to make sure I could live up to my end of the deal I went out and bought enough parts to run the entire season on credit. I knew I had a sponsor to cover it so it didn't worry me much going that far out on a limb. Pretty soon the sponsor is two months behind on the scheduled payments, then three, and so on and so on. Now all those credit card bills are coming due and guess what? No checks from the sponsor. I was only out on the limb to the tune of 25K, how would it feel to be a top fuel car team owner and be out half a million? The torco deal could easily bankrupt some guys. But I have come up with a new term- Torcoed= when a sponsor leaves you holding the bill. Dave Germain
  19. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Anyone who was sponsored by TORCO in 2007, 2006, 2005 should have seen this coming. The checks were always very late and you had it firmly planted in your mind that it may be possible to get stuck because of the tremendous financial commitments the company had. For that reason I never spent money I didn't already have in my hands.

    Getting dumped in 2008 shouldn't have been a huge surprise considering the rumors that were floating around and the fact that some were still owed money for 2007. Thankfully, Latrell took care of me early on.

    I never saw a 1099 or anything for all money I received, but knowing the 'Fed's have all the records now makes me glad I claimed every cent of it on my taxes. They just might come a knocking at my door some day!

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
  20. Bobby Bennett

    Bobby Bennett New Member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    First off Barszcz, we were one of the first marketing partnerships with Torco and we brought value to the team, so I didn't have to be all over Evan as you so elequently put it.
    Surprise, we are in the news business and we report the news. If we didn't report the news as such, you'd be hollering, why didn't CompetitionPlus report the news? We waited until the Kalamazoo newspaper filed the first report and then we filed ours.
    There are parts of my job I love and others I don't like. But, at the end of the day, I still have to do a job.
    I haven't written any editorial on this subject. Instead, I've stuck to the facts that we've had available.
    We reported only the facts and will continue to do so, and left the speculation only to those message boards and gossip corners. There's not a thing we reported in this scenario that we didn't tell a balanced story on.

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