NHRA Sportsman Racer Advisory Council

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by 310TAD, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    The NHRA Sportsman Racer Advisory Council has our first meeting at the Gatornationals, March 14th. All of your elected representatives need your input. Please contact your division representative and let them know what is most important to you. Keep in mind that we should be thinking aboutwhat is best for the classes and not just our own teams. Also, if you can do something to contribute (displays,promotions, etc.), please let them know that also.
    I would like the Division 3 Top Alcohol Funny Car and Dragster racers to e-mail me at marty@rapidtransitracing.com and let me know what their opinion of what our top priority and concerns should be. Here is the list of the TA/FC & TA/D representatives for the other divisions;
    Div. 1 - Mike Kosky
    Div. 2 - Ron Swearingen
    Div. 4 - Tom Conway
    Div. 5 - Vern Moats
    Div. 6 - Brian Hough
    Div. 7 - Dwayne Shields

    Remember, there are power in numbers. If we work together, there is no reason we can not all see the alcohol classes gain from this.

    Thanks, and happy racing,
  2. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Hope is now

    More purse money !!!!!:eek:
  3. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    How about some sort of a push to better promote division events? Something that will help bring in crowds so I can keep my sponsors happy? It's tough to sell marketing to sponsors when there isn't any crowds. Maybe something along the lines of matching funds for advertising the division events from NHRA? How about for every two dollars a track spends on promoting a division event the NHRA pays them back a dollar? Dave Germain
  4. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Hey Marty, I think this is great that you're reaching out to everyone.
    Is there email / contact for the other representatives for all the other divisions that may be available since you're the first one (that I'm aware of) so far that has reached out??
    Also, does anyone know yet how the information is going to be distributed of what is discussed/proposed by NHRA and the SRAC?
    There are many, many cost effective things that could happen here that could be win / win situations, so hopefully everyone will be pro active in All Sportsman Classes, not just the alky class.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2008
  5. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    For Brian Hough, keep the parity in the TAFC class! We don't need injected nitro funny cars; please dispel any notion towards this.
  6. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    Good morning all.

    Guy, Increased purses was the first thing I had wrote down on my list. Don't think anyone would disagree that there hasn't been any meaningful purse inceases in over 10 years (Can someone give us more info on this).

    Dave, Coming from a UDRA background, I know that these revents could pull so many more people. But the people have to know something exciting is going on.

    Nancy, I don't want to give out any personal contact info for anyone without their permission. It might be wrong. I would assume that most of these alky directors watch this sight, so maby they will chime in. Those who can get ahold of the other directors, ask them to get the information on here. I believe this is the number one information center for the alky classes.

    Ken, as members of the TARA competition committee, we were ask to survey the TA/FC racers about allowing an A-Fuel combination a few years back at the Columbus National event. 3/4 of those polled threatened to quit the class if that were to happen. I personally heard it from Frank Manzo, Jay (that's why I left the dragster) Payne, and Larry Snyder. Although some of their competitors might find the class alittle easier without alot of the top teams around, I doubt the class would prosper (if survive) such an exodus.

    This is good. Lets keep a positive flow to this.

    Have a great day,

    Will, I hope it is OK with you that we camp here. Maybe we should start a different folder for SRAC
  7. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Thanks Marty, know it's all in good hands, hope to see you all by summer

    G Freddie:D
  8. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Guy, Increased purses was the first thing I had wrote down on my list. Don't think anyone would disagree that there hasn't been any meaningful purse inceases in over 10 years (Can someone give us more info on this).

    Marty, there is a link on DRO that shows detailed info on this exact subject.

    It's a little sensitive with actual tax return documents that are scanned, so I don't want to copy the link on to here, but it's very interesting to say the least.

    Also, Marty, if for some reason, someone, somewhere in the country isn't comfortable with their particular rep (for Whatever reason, it doesn't matter at this time, we all have people in life we either get along with or not), is there any objection to being able to approach any of the committee member reps from other divisions or the chair people that are involved? ;)

    Thanks in advance,

  9. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    Guy. Hope to see you all too. Bring a jug (or 4).

    Nancy, I checked with Jay Hullinger (the National Committee Chairman), and he sees no problem in working through another division representative if you feel more comfortable doing so.
    Everyones goal should be to better the Alky classes as a whole. It's my feeling that we have some of the best people in racing, and NHRA is giving us a rare chance to have input. It's up to us to work together positively and not miss this opportunity. Hopefully we will someday look back on this and smile.

    Can't wait til Gainesville,
  10. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Awesome, Thanks for the quick reply Marty,

  11. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    Division 1 advisory council

    :cool:I am looking for division one drivers and team members in the alcohol class to give me any imput on concerns and issues that need to be addressed. This is our chance to be heard. I would like to have these responses by March 9th. so I can get our divisions questions brought to this lst. meeting. I'm sure that most of the questions and requests will be very similar. It is important that this lst. meeting be as successful as possible. The more imput we have, the better we can create an agenda. E-Mail me at koskyracing@verizon.net


    Mike Kosky TAD 185
  12. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Now that Imbrugno's gone, maybe NHRA will listen to the FC guys about getting 125% back?
  13. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Amem to that.
  14. SNAPPY


    Dec 8, 2004
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    Thanks Marty,
    We need to all stick together and be positive....have good ideas and just don't complain. We can make this better if we all work for the good and not just wine!


    Promote division races (wait and see what Scott Gardner does at the D5 race at Cordova!) Marty, you now he'll pack the stands....maybe others can learn from him....just as he learned from Broadway BOB ( I think it was the shirts he wore) Tracks want money racers need money Fans equal money!!!

    Keep sending Ideas guys We all have good ideas bounce them around and the cream will rise to the top.

    PS You'll have to call Vern Moats....he cant even spell C O M P U T E R!

    VHBR TAFC556

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