TAD/TAFC changes for next year helmet shrouds, pads, belly pans, etc.

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    While this hasn't been made official, here's what the rule changes for next year will be:

    TAD & TAFC:
    Foam Insert Seat pads will be mandatory. Padding does not have to be necessarily below the driver, but is recommended if cage clearance allows. Padding has to be securely mounted to the seat around the torso.

    Lateral head pads, to the same spec as Nitro FC for TAFC and TF for TAD will be mandatory.

    EGT Junction boxes will have to be securely fastened to the header.

    Drivers will have to wear boots and gloves meeting sfi 15 or better. **

    Helmet shrouds to the same spec as Nitro FC will be mandatory. NOTE the mounting points/specs for Funny Car are different than dragster.

    Firebottles will have to be mounted such that sight guages are pointed up.

    ** I will be getting a fax later today confirming the numbers on that spec. I was originally told if you wear a 15 suit, you have to wear a 15 glove now. Boots will be mandatory...don't know if they make a 15 boot.
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    belly pans

    I forgot to add:

    TAFC - Belly pans will now have to extend to the top frame rail.

    TAFC - Minimum weight will be increased to 2300 to compensate for changes to driver's compartment.
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    "TAD & TAFC:
    Foam Insert Seat pads will be mandatory. Padding does not have to be necessarily below the driver, but is recommended if cage clearance allows. Padding has to be securely mounted to the seat around the torso."

    Some of the "dimensionally challenged" drivers have no extra room in the seat as it is. If you are small like Brett Williamson and the seat swallows you that's one thing, but I've seeen DT and Bucky in their cars and there is no room left for any padding unless they build new cars that have 25 to 30 inch wide frame rails.

    What's your take on this, Will? You're no Hillary Will yourself (as in...petite).

    PANMAN Super Comp

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Randy I have that same question. Paul is in the midst of building a new car as we speak its 80% complete, what do we do now, drivers compartment is done the cage is not yet there but do we tell them to stop cut it apart and get another 5 grand tacked on?? kinda sucks they couldnt make these changes allitle earlier. I know it is what it is and safety should never be compromised but alittle heads up would be nice. It really is going to hit hard to to the teams like you mentioned Pauls not a big guy but ther is no more room for the extra padding. Thanks to Will for his insider heads up maybe we can make the changes mid stream but it sure does'nt look like it.
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    no spec on thickness

    from what i understand there is no 'spec' on this or the thickness. regardless of how big you are, there are still some voids....particularly around the small of the back. i don't think nhra is going to throw anyone out because their pads are too thin.
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Larger drivers sliding in and out of a funny car with an SFI 20 fire suit on aren't going to have 1/4 worth of voids anywhere if the seat was properly built with lumbar support, etc. Kenny Mooers was a good at form fitting the drivers seat, like may others are, I'm sure. I'd like to see how this works out.

    Long before very many had them I had the Butler pads installed at eye level in my car. Required or not, they should be there.

    I hope this isn't the beginning of the knee jerk reactions to JF's deal.

    Last edited: Nov 29, 2007

    SICTOR hola amigos!

    Oct 3, 2006
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    San Mateo + CFM 4 ever

    lets just see what transpires in the next few days/weeks ladies,
    no ranting yet as it's not official yet. Have a great weekend all.
    me gusta pizza con pepperoni, asada, chorizo,jalapenos. Con un lado de nacho cheese. Que te gusta en tu pizza?

    KKNOWLES Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    If I can fit an insert with Patton in the car then every one can do a little something. When I built his car I knew the I was going to build the insert for the seat so it was easier and more room for the insert. The only issue is that the driver will need to stick to his or her weight so you will fit all year or it gets really tight. We have run the insert all year and it helped in Johns back with any shake.

    Kevin Knowles
  9. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Who is making these "inserts"? I won't need it for IHRA,but I put the Butler's in before it became a rule as I am all about SAFETY! I also have back problems and could use a little "help". Is there a web link? Thanks, Tim
  10. Racejeff

    Racejeff New Member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    In addition to distributing the BUTLERbuilt Lateral Head Supports, I build seat inserts. My web site is garvinmotorsports.com.
    I want to let everyone know that I was against mandating seat inserts.
    Our Lateral Head Supports were in the majority of cars when NHRA made them mandatory in the fuel ranks. The majority of cars have head supports in the alcohol classes, and mandating them now, especially after the rash of side impact accidents this last year, makes sense. Now adding inserts to the list of things that racers have to do before the season starts is a little much. It takes me approximately 10 hours to do an insert properly. There are over 200 Dragsters and Funny cars in the class, with the majority running without inserts. While an insert can help every driver, certainly the smaller driver would get the most benefit from an insert and I don't think they need to be reminded of this, but maybe I'm wrong?
    Jeff Garvin
  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    from the new rulebook

    one thing i just noticed...

    "Effective Jan 1 2009, bodies must be removable from a rear-release mechanism that must be accessible in the taillight panel area. The rear release mechanissm must be the pin and cable type. The mechanism must be unobstructed and easily visible and or located within 3 inches of any other opening. Release handle must be T handle design with a minimum measurement of 3 inches in length. Contact NHRA Technical Services Dept. for acceptable design, operation, and installation"

    TAD drivers will be required to wear SFI 3.3/15 gloves and boots/shoes meeting 3.3/15

    helmet shroud specs..

    "All vehicles in TAFC must have a rear roll cage shroud. A one or three peice shroud is permitted. The shroud must be constructed of minimum .075 inch grade 2 ASTM-B-265 Titanium or .090 inch 4130 steel or be of NHRA accepted composite construction and must be shaped to conform to the roll cage. The shroud must be attached to each of the side bars with a minimum of 3 1/4 inch minimum diameter grade 8 bolts and bosses per side, to the top with one 1/4 inch minimum diameter grade 8 bolt and boss, and to the rear bars with a minimum of two 1/4 inch minimum diameter grade 8 bolts and bosses per side. Tabs with bolt and nut, where the nut is welded to the tab, may be used in place of the bosses. Three piece shields must be made with two side shields and a center section.

    The shroud must be installed flush with or be filled/sealed to the upper roll-cage bars and shoulder hoop so that protective equipment cannot catch between the shroud and the roll cage components. Absolutely no components may be mounted to the helmet shroud above the top of the shoulder hoop. Shroud must provide clearance slots of minimum 1 3/4 inches high and 2 inches wide on each side of each roll cage tube where it meets the shoulder hoop."
  12. Dennis Taylor

    Dennis Taylor Authorized Merchant

    Sep 3, 2003
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    Will, where are you reading this at?
  13. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I typed really, really fast while a bird was talking to me through the window. Smart bird. :D

    The quoted sections above will be official very soon.

    I also left out the wording for the seat cushions:

    "Seats must be foamed or formed to the driver's body. Minimum one layer, flame retardant material mandatory as seat upholstery, with manufacturer's name displayed. No magnesium permitted"
  14. Racejeff

    Racejeff New Member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    Thanks for your update Will.
    Anyone that has one of my inserts can contact me and I will send them an easy to apply logo to comply with the new rule.
  15. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Will; who do I talk to about the rear latch assembly?
    My thought is the cable and pin deal is stupid! Has anyone ever put fire to a cable? The housing melts and the wire deforms drastically.
    I have just finished two Mustangs with a very simple mechanical pull linkage with a 1/2" aluminum rod with "T" handle that will still be there when the body is a puddle on the ground!
    I hope to hell they didn't use FEA on this too!:eek:
  16. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I called NHRA tech at Glendora and asked about implementation dates on these changes. So the body latch which is readily buildable is deferred till next year but I was told the helmet shield was due Jan 1 08. So the part that costs the most money and is the LEAST available has to be done right now? Are they trying to run the alcohol racers out of the business. The seat insert and lateral head supports don't particularly faze me- I can buy them. But nobody builds a helmet shield for a funny car that I know of. Diversatech makes one for dragsters but apparently not funny cars.
    Now on a slightly different level- why the changes in TAFC? Any tires exploding and killing us? Any tires coming apart and shaking us to death? I had a feeling that with the serious accidents in fuel funny cars they would be dealing with rule changes but why the alcohol cars too? Another completely BS kneejerk reaction from the NHRA. So we will shield and pad the living heck out of fuel funny cars but what about the chassis problem? Obviously McKinney can lobby NHRA to whatever standards he wants. Now the REAL question- when do they require air bags? Dave Germain
  17. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Dave, Ya think you're in a bad mood now --- I was told that the helmet shields were going to be mandatory in 08 --- 3 months ago !
  18. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Maybe, just maybe the NHRA could have said something to us? So as I see it here are the choices- cobble something together with multiple pie cuts and sections that will look like crap or wait until somebody tools up to build the dies to form the shield. So we essentially have two months to get this built if we are to attend Pomona. And to add insult to injury there actually hasn't been any OFFICIAL notice of the rule changes. I truly appreciate Will and all the other guys who have inside knowledge tipping us to these changes but I would really like to see something official. Marvelous, simply marvelous.
    Dave Germain
  19. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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  20. Jeff Wilson

    Jeff Wilson New Member

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Spitzer is making carbon fiber ones. He is waiting on NHRA to approve his design. He should have approval this week.

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