Paul Smith Top Fuel School

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by TOL, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Paul Smith runs a Top Fuel school in FLA, for both drivers and tech's.

    I was thinking of doing the tech course in the coming year.

    Has anyone here taken this course, and if so would you recommend it to someone else? It is a lot of $$, which is why I'm asking in advance whether others have taken it in the past?

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2007
  2. nitro4100

    nitro4100 New Member

    Sep 26, 2006
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    I checked into it years back he sent me the price and what it covered I thought it was like 7,000 or so. Also Frank Hawely has a tec course its Alky but still looks like a good course. I think its way more than half the cost of Pauls. I love nitro just as much as anyone but the allky course could be the way to go. I have worked with a few fuel teams and alky guys too. Working on Hemi Altered now its basicly an IHRA TAFC with no body and I would say I learn somthing new everytime I'm at the shop or track. If you want to learn post an add on here on the help wanted form with an Alky team near your div. It will not cost you anything and if you want to learn tell them. They may even feed you. ha ha. Also see who is on here, There is a bunch of smart Alky guys on here, Some fuel guys too, send them e mails ask questions (I do) I have met a few pertty smart tuners on here. too pay a dollar and sign up there lot of tuners lerk on there too. If you got the money the schools would help no dought. Good Luck Jason
  3. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    How much is Paul going to pay you to be on his crew?

  4. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    I wish it was that way Eric, but not so. Just looking to learn something that I've not already been exposed to. Don't want to look dumb when we field the nitro altered. Always game to learn something new.

    Let me contemplate my options for a moment...... I could spend a wintery week staring at the 'Doc, or, we could both be in FLA enjoying sunshine & warm weather & other stuff, plus a whiff of nitro for me. Not a hard coice to make IMO :).

    Nitro4100. I attended the Hawley alky funny car Race Tech course a few years ago. It was "okay". Learned a lot and enjoyed the whole experience. It had its shortcomings. The instructor (Ron) was a real piece of work. Hawley has a new tech course oriented toward bracket cars. I bet that would be a great course!
  5. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    I know, I am just kiddin' ya.

  6. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Just wanted to close the loop on this thread, now that I have completed the Paul Smith "Top Fuel Crew Chief & Mechanic Course".

    The course is very well taught and laid out. Very thorough & current. Very professional. Very much a hands-on experience for the student, with direct personal instruction from more than one experienced professional of the sport. No BS, no promo stuff, and no egos, unlike some other courses that I have attended. No stones were left unturned for an inquisitive student.

    It is not a cheap course by any means, but as with many things in life you get what you pay for. The course is obviously directly applicable to blown nitro racing, however, there are also many parallels for blown alky racing too.

    Thanks Paul & Mike & Mike !.....

    For those interested in the school, the contact info is as follows:

    Paul Smith Top Fuel School
    800 NE 3rd Street
    Boynton Beach, FL
    USA 33435
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2008

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