cooking oil to take out the fuel in it

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by top alcohol, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. top alcohol

    top alcohol New Member

    Nov 17, 2007
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    I heard that the ta/d cook the their oil so their wont be any fuel in it.How is this being done.thanks

    from top alcohol
  2. altered boy

    altered boy Outlaw Altered

    Aug 4, 2003
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    FWIW... if you put it in a large 20-30 qt roaster pan (like mom makes sunday roast in) put it on LOW like 180* and let it sit in there a few hours. POOF... alcohol evaporates and you have nearly perfect oil. run it thru a stainless screen and put it back in. i had heard pros and cons and all kinds of stories about this deal so for the $30 that a roasters costs at walmart i thought what the hell... had to try it. we swapped oil nearly every run... so i had lots of test subjects. i run valvoline 60wt most the time and noticed a dramatic improvement in the oil using lucas additive and this process.

    BTW... if you run even a FEW % nitro or anything but 100% methanol you'll be wasting your time :D

    Disclaimer: just realize you are dealing with a flamable mixture and it needs to be watched very closely. 180-200* is a pretty safe figure for this... but be careful as those roasters can get way too hot so it's a good idea to secure/tape/lock the temp dial to avoid an accident. and using your wife/mom's roaster may be detrimental to your health
  3. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    I would do this outside, as far away from my house as posibel, get your self an electrc portabel two burner stove, even dogs ( given the chance )don't $#it where they eat! :eek: ;)
  4. bobbyblue359

    bobbyblue359 New Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    Are you guys cooking it to use again at the same event? If you put it in a vented container in your hot enclosed trailer for six days, it comes back just fine without destroying the additive contents of the oil. Heating/cooling of oil is what is destructive to it's properties. We're very careful to keep it immaculate when draining out of pan, covering it immediately, then pumping/filtering to our vented jugs, and waiting until the next race. Can manage seven to eight runs with the filtering. 55 gallon drum has lasted us for over 3 years at 11 qts. per oil change.
  5. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Bob, what brand oil are you doing this with?? The thing that freaks me out about doing this is oils is also "suspending" little nasties!
  6. Brad Hiatt

    Brad Hiatt Member

    Oct 22, 2004
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    How much additive?

    How much additive are you adding? I have been saving my used 60 wt Valvoline all year. Was going to filter it this winter and reuse. I have been putting 5 runs on mine before changing. I run 13 qts in my system.

  7. altered boy

    altered boy Outlaw Altered

    Aug 4, 2003
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    I like the roaster because there is no exposed element or heating surface. most of them have a removable 'liner'
    I had several large containers that I would rotate from event to event. And I use only enough temp to get the alcohol to evaporate... really doesn't take much heat to achieve the desired effect.
    I've had good luck doing this with Valvoline w/ Lucas Additive and a very fine stainless filter seems to work very well.
    I run a dry sump deal and i run about 13 qts w/ 2 quarts being Lucas. On alcohol i would put 2 or 3 hits on the oil between changes... but on the nitro i drop it every run.
  8. whosyrdady

    whosyrdady Super Comp

    Sep 22, 2004
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    I also do a version of this, What I have found works best for me is draining the oil into a big tote. I let it sit during the week , use no heat and it cleans right up. I get a rotation schedule going. seems to work well.
  9. nmro2114

    nmro2114 Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    I evaporate the fuel in oil by putting a screen over my drain pan and placing a fan over the pan on low. works great -no heating required
  10. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    what about between rounds hooking up a small hair dryer to blow from one valve cover vent out the other I use a curling Iron blow dryer and slip a piece of hose over the end after removing the brush adapter and run into the valve cover they only cost 20 bucks and a small generator will run it it just takes approx 20 -30 min and there is no alk or water in the valve covers when you turn it on you can see vapor more than 10 ft in the air inside a shop it seems to work fine this could double the oil life and will not need to drop the oil the entire race or longer as long as you do it after each pass if you drop the oil and cook it you could get air borne contaminants in the oil good luck craig moss
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2007
  11. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Beside the alky, what do you guys do to get the other $#it out of the oil? wouldent it be better to get an oil sponcer, local parts store or right from the company? recycled oil in a $50.000 motor is not the answer. just my opinion, (and yes i know the rest ) :eek:;)
  12. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Thats exactly what I was saying Gene! Oil does more than lubricate;)
  13. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    dont panic man...
    here is what we do
    after we "cook it" as it has been deemed
    we filter it thru a amsoil 2 micron absolute bypass filter
    we have been running this way quite some time now
    i made a pump and housing to do this with
    then add some Lucas to it
  14. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    I use Mobile 1 in my pass. car. It cost 4 times as much as reg oil, I go 7.500 miles between oil changes,When I used reg oil I changed it every 3.000 miles Ya think I should recycle the mobile 1 to save some money? Hell no I bring it to a garage that uses it as heating oil, and I give it to him for free. There's more stuff in oil that gets burned out of it after you use it than you think. and after you "COOK" it you burn out more of it. It's like getting a blood transfusion , you want the best blood, Not blood with HIV. :eek::D

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