
Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Medicone, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Medicone

    Medicone New Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Which one is cheaper to build a TAD or a TAFC? Also in your opinions which one do you think is harder or easier to drive? And maybe the pro's and cons of both would be great! Thanks again guys for sharing your knowledge with me! Tommy
  2. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    I think one advantage to the funny car is you can match race and recoop some of the investment.But some one told me that the a/fd was cheaper to run.these were opinions given to me quite a while ago.I have no idea of there combinatios or tune ups,or what they actualy did spend.
  3. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    From a driving aspect, neither is easier to drive - just different, way different. We swapped to TAFC from TAD 4 years ago, and it was a real steep learning curve going to the FC. Burnouts, staging, and learning where you are on the track are all big differences between the two. With the FC you have to "muscle" it down there quite a bit more, whereas in the dragster it's more finesse driving where little steering adjustments make a big difference.

    To build in my opinion, the dragster is cheaper. With the FC you have nearly every component of the dragster, then throw $6,000-$10,000 (if you're trying to keep it cheap) worth of fiberglass or carbon/kevlar on top. Also add in your mandatory fresh air system and fire bottles.

    As far as booked-in "match race" type events we have found it a bit easier up here in Western Canada to get a few more bookings than were previously available when we ran the dragster. Marketability of the two were also a factor for us, as it did seem at the time very hard to get any sponsorship for our dragster program than it was for the others in the same city to get a FC sponsored. By making the switch we have seen a little bit of improvement in this area.

    As far as a yearly budget for our team, in general we are spending a little more with the FC than we were with the dragster, but I wouldn't say huge amounts more.
  4. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    If your question is which one is cheaper to build the dragster wins. I spent $20,000 putting a Monte Carlo body on my existing car and we mounted it ourselves (did a nice job, too...I might add).

    The real cost is running the car. Building either is the cheaper part of owning one.

    Hardest to drive? Sit in a dragster then sit in a funny car. That alone will answer your question. Dragsters are like sitting in a chase lounge at the beach. FC is kinda like sitting in the trunk looking over a pile of books on the dash (injector).
  5. Tim Stevens

    May 18, 2004
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    Having built and driven both, the FC is more of a "challenge" to drive and I feel more "marketable" and offers more places to race. All the reasons I switched to FC! And yes, the FC cost more to build. That Carbon body cost LOTS more than a few sheets of Mag. Now A/F I have never driven or worked on so I can't reply to cost of that? Just my 2-cents , Tim
  6. Medicone

    Medicone New Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Thanks alot guys for your replys so far!
  7. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Stick a needle in your arm...put on a firesuit and jump in an alcohol car (TAFC, TAD or A/F) - both lead to an addiction where the cost doesn't matter so much, just have to find a way to get the next fix.
  8. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Nicely put Russ :D
  9. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    once you run a funny car what else is there i personally am not interested in driving any thing else are going back to the other class below i think you can quit drugs for good , driving a afc can you really quit i couldnt i drove someone else car one time and was hooked agian and the next thing i know i have another one i think this is number six and if you can believe this i was dead broke and bought a complete car running on contract and i send a payment every week and put no money down and the lady said i think god wanted you to have this car her husband had passed away and no one had even made an offer in two years GOD BLESS HER THANK YOU GOD YOU HAVE BLESSED ME ONCE MORE

    ps i dont want to quit either
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2007
  10. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    I would have to agree with Russ,

    I went to the good guys run at Indy with my dad for my 15th Birthday and we helped the late great Lou Debarto load his Wild thing 48 Fiat into the trailer in the rain. Just looking at it I was hooked. The next day I spent all of my College money on a 1450hp Blown Alky BBC longblock.

    I have been working on my IHRA TAFC since I was 15 (over 10 years now) with every penny gowing towards it and nothing else with no help. I'm at about 94% on the operation now w/ a spare longblock and other spares. While I was doing my combat tour in Iraq a couple years back I got burned out and tried to sell the car. It was like Christine...It came back! This is why I don't have a girlfriend for the jealosy/vehicular homicide issues. I don't think it likes my dad either, he has been hurt quite a few times while I wasn't there. Even worse it just keeps on calling my name...pulling me in further. I'm actually scared to leave the garage now..lol...

    Truth be told I liked the funny car idea because they used to look like real cars and were unique somewhat, not so much anymore but if you take away the crazy paintjob most dragsters look the same and don't stand out as much.

    Just my oppinion and I hope it helps,
    Trevor Sherwood

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