Ignition help, (I think coil died) got rained out so couldn't test further toight

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Scotttrod, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Hi again,

    Went out for the outlaw race tonight, made two attempts at going down the track to further work on my tune and had issues.

    526 Fuel headed Hemi, C, 129 over, lower RPM combo, 4.31 x 4.5.

    First burnout Went fine, staged, got up on the limiter and launched. Motor died and would not restart.

    Checked all wires front to back, looked for any problems.... nothing apparent.

    Second attempt, tried to do the burnout, the very second it had any load during burnout, died. After lots of cranking motor finally started, died as soon as it was put in gear (convertor car). Unable to restart and towed back to pits.

    Went to pits, scoured car. All 8 cylinders died under load evenly when looking at video...... Plenty of fuel, actually a white cloud of fuel under load as motor was dying.

    Put new coil and and wire to cap on the car. Started right up and I was able to load the convertor, but unable to really test anything due to rain and race being cancelled.

    Am I headed down the right road? I almost thought loose wiring or connection that showed itself on launch... but failing the first part of the second burnout and rechecking every single connector did not reveal any problems.

    Best place to send coil and best way to test coil wires? I have had these wires on the car for 12 attempted runs and 5 successful runs over the course of 11 months (don't beat me up too bad on maintenance interval on wires, looking for advice on that too)

    Thanks again,
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  2. TADHemiracer

    TADHemiracer Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Ignition Problems

    What are you using for a points box? Any rpm controls? 8973 or other? If you are using a timing computer of any kind, what battery powers it?
  3. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    MSD power grid, MSD 44 points box with rev limiter to interact with grid, and a ridiculous 2100 amp Odyssey 12volt (have to weigh 2800 now, so still have that in car after weight reduction. (I have a smaller Odyssey in series only used for the cranking circuit)
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I would suggest a you use the Grid Data Aquisition mode and look at the Ignition In and Ignition Out. If Ignition In shows a solid color without any breaks means that the input to the Grid is good. On Ignition Out if it is a solid color with no breaks means that the Grid output is good. All your runs are recorded so you can look at the list of recorded data and coming back and look at any of the bad runs. This does not check the coil or Points Box but will help troubleshooting. By the sounds of it it is not the plug wires but I would be real suspicious of the coil and Points Box with the Points Box being number one. Both MSD and Electrimotion can test both. Google Electrimotion.
  5. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Both "in" and "out" are good, new coil is on car, will probably get a new box (and send the other one in to get tested and fixed if need as I am going to try again on Wednesday to get this thing down the track.....)

    Spares.. spares, spares

    Points boxes having lots of issues?

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