Fathead Hemi Pocker Arm up-grades?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Blown5402, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Without bashing anyone's Rocker Arms, has any of you seen a major difference in performance or durability by changing to a different rocker arm set-up, stands, rocker arms or etc.? I am running BAE 5 hemi fatheads and need to step the rpm up some this season to try and keep up. We were shifting at 9600rpm and no problems yet, but need to step up a little more. If you have a companies product that you are proud of and works good, tell us, so all of us can try and keep up with you-THANKS! Jim
  2. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    He he....plug time....lol

    It was a well known and very competitive TAFC teams crew chief that told me that the BAE high ratio exhaust rockers had a tendency to break after about 100 passes or so on there car. It may have been something in the combination or maybe not I'm not sure.

    The Manton billet rockers are top notch and according to Noel has never seen one of his rocker arms fail on its own. I can't see anyone breaking the Reid billet exhaust rockers either. I believe we talked about the oiling improvements over the phone and I cannot speak for the new BAE silver and blue stuff but I went from the Brad red which had lots of play from end to end, to the Medlin stands which had a little play, to the Manton's where I had to put them in an oven to get them off.....No play and no oil pressure loss. I also noticed the Mantons shafts had oiling grooves that my old BAE's did not. If you bought that set from Pete then you got my old Medlin stands and Manton shafts which is a significant improvement over the old BAE red stuff I had. I have seen the same Manton/Reid setup I have run 5.20's time and time again on Demke's car without failure, funny thing is that is using the cast intake rockers and you have those billets I traded you... :) = bulletproof. The shafts and stands were off of Wayne Morris's TAFC and ran well. I would also recommend Noel's tool steel pushrods. Put em in and let me know when that thing hits 10,500 rpm, I know you have 3.70's in that car....come on buddy pull up the anchor....lol just kidding Jim. Best wishes buddy.

    Outside of going to a billet intake rocker I can tell you that there is nothing I know of that I can do to add more durability to my valve train. I love my Manton stuff and will probably never use anything else, I even tried to talk Noel into making cams and lifters just so I could get it all from one source but he said no way, despite my volunteering to come work for him for parts, pizza, and pesi...lol


  3. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Thank You for the input!

    We were OK at 9600 last year and just trying to do proper planning to prevent PPP! Thanks, Jim
  4. overkill69

    overkill69 Member

    May 17, 2005
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    The BAE individual rocker setup looks like a work of art and everybody I know that runs them is very pleased.
  5. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Thank You for the help

    Thank You and trying to get help on that BAE set-up and wanting to know when the standard parts I run will start needing replaced and so far, still doing great at 9600rpm. Thank You and we will have 2 cars we race with showing up soon and I can have more input from them too. Thank You.
  6. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Santos with standard stage v rockers and hi ratio ex rockers went 5.20s on several occasions.

    There are many good rocker systems out there and they all have there flaws, Manzo to the end used standard BAE hi ratio, he had every other rocker gear out there, but always went back to the BAE.

    When ready for a better exhaust rocker you cant beat the ones we already talked about, made by the top company and a weight that isnt to over the top.
    Remember the more things you beef up the more other things need to change.
  7. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    You can say I'm biased since Manton has advertised here for a number of years, but I have also had my customers run at the front of the pack with zero oiling or rocker failures for a number of years with Manton rocker gear.

    When I first made the switch to the Manton stiffer rockers and tool steel pushrods, we noticed the car had a different attitude. After talking with Jamie Noonan at NRE, based on his spintron research, the stiffer rocker assembly makes the engine see more duration, so we shortened the duration and found the combination to have more power than what we had before.

    I also tuned a car that had the Medlin stands and we put Manton shafts and rockers on the car. Pushrod problems went away, performance picked up due to a significant increase in stability and reliability at high rpm. Before the Manton rockers I would have valvetrain problems above 10,300. After we could go 10,500 regularly with no sweat and overrevs were not a problem to 10,800+.

    Crane Cams now offers a tool steel cam core, so that should help valvetrain stability when you can't upgrade to a bigger 60 mm cam core.
  8. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Thank You for the advice and help!

    Thank You and have prices from Mr. Manton and finishing a motor now and ready for the rocker arm system. Trying to plan ahead and avoid problems when we step up our RPM. Thanks to all and feel good with recommendations now! Jim

    QUOTE=Will Hanna;197453]You can say I'm biased since Manton has advertised here for a number of years, but I have also had my customers run at the front of the pack with zero oiling or rocker failures for a number of years with Manton rocker gear.

    When I first made the switch to the Manton stiffer rockers and tool steel pushrods, we noticed the car had a different attitude. After talking with Jamie Noonan at NRE, based on his spintron research, the stiffer rocker assembly makes the engine see more duration, so we shortened the duration and found the combination to have more power than what we had before.

    I also tuned a car that had the Medlin stands and we put Manton shafts and rockers on the car. Pushrod problems went away, performance picked up due to a significant increase in stability and reliability at high rpm. Before the Manton rockers I would have valvetrain problems above 10,300. After we could go 10,500 regularly with no sweat and overrevs were not a problem to 10,800+.

    Crane Cams now offers a tool steel cam core, so that should help valvetrain stability when you can't upgrade to a bigger 60 mm cam core.[/QUOTE]
  9. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    If you buy from Noel tell him Trev Sent ya, with Will Hanna as honorable mention :) seriously though tell Noel I said hello. Someday I'll be able to order those push rods from him.


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