BAE manifold shoe

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Kamikaze85, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Kamikaze85

    Kamikaze85 Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    Well, I have been searching high and low for info on this, but none was found - So here goes.

    Have anyone tinkered with the idea of a shoe in the front of the intake manifold to prevent air from getting caught in the burst plate pocket??
    As far as I see it, it could be done with a curved plate deflecting air down and to the sides, but still making if possible for the pressure to get around to the burst plate in case of a BOOM.

    Am I way of base here, or have I just not looked the right places??
  2. andy wilfong

    andy wilfong Active Member

    May 13, 2003
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    You have touched on an area that I think could have a lot of improvement, for years I have been saying blower manifold are just an adapter from the heads to the blower, the problem is time and money for someone to really change the manifold plenum area, good luck I'n whatever you find, call me if you have any questions that might help you
  3. Mark Leigh

    Mark Leigh Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Manifold shoes have been around for a long time and are still in use for a lot of Nitro motors that don't run a setback manifold --- you can buy one or have it installed in your manifold --- it requires a number of runs to get it right .

    I just assumed the Alcohol motors used them ? What I want to know is do the screw blower setups use a higher pressure rated burst panel ?
  4. Jason Bunker

    Jason Bunker Member

    May 3, 2010
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    We utilize a dual-panel setup on the blower in the rear. It has 1 on the blower case, then an aluminum plate about .500(?) thick with another panel on that. So they are almost stacked, but with a spacer between them. It also has a hole in the spacer that we adapt a line to so we can blow into and check to see if the inner panel is all good. The intake manifold has the standard burst panel setup in front.

    But no, as far as higher rated panels. Although, I wouldnt mind it. :D Finally turned our blower up a little more and now we are fracturing the inner panels. Not blowing them out, but just cracking them in the pre-formed crease. Pain in the ass to replace them on a door car!

    Nice to meet you BTW. Been a long time coming. See you soon and thanks for the nice words when we spoke.
  5. Mark Leigh

    Mark Leigh Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Thanks Jason, good to meet you -- I saw that "mister" on Marks car spraying at the end of a run --- so I am figuring that's a tattletale sign to change the inner ?
  6. Kamikaze85

    Kamikaze85 Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    I was thinking about setting the blower back on the BAE std manifold (I do not think they make a set-back manifold for those heads?) with a plate and then make the shoe in front of the blower outlet.
    Kind of making it horisontal at the top - flat on the setback plate - and then curve it down until it is vertical below the burst plate. Does that make any sense at all?
  7. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Before setback manifolds were used it was very common for TF to use shoes in the manifold. I have one around somewhere. These were standard blowers which did not push all the air at I high angle out of a small pie hole in the front of the blower as with a high helix. It took a lot to adjust these shoes to try and even out the flow to the forward cylinders. The one I have has a whole series of steps on the sides cut to different heights. Like I said the holes in the bottom of a standard blower run the length of the bottom of the blower and the air does exit forward some but nothing like the angle of the high helix. Agreed the major problem is all that air rushing out that pie hole at a forty five degree angle and as said it all goes right at that burst panel then has to make a 180 degree turn and trying to come back against itself which is hard to do so it just stays forward and pressurizes the manifold. So because of the air having to make that 180 degree abrupt turn it is really easier and better to use a set back manifold. To try and tune a shoe on a high helix would be super hard and probably cost you a lot of pistons.
  8. Kamikaze85

    Kamikaze85 Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    What I have in mind is some setback, and then putting in a curved plate to stop the flowing air from going into the burst plate pocket, but still allow it to burst the plate in case of a backfire.
    The purpose of the shoe I am suggesting is not as much to redirect the air to the back, but simply to prevent the airflow from piling up in the burst plate pocket.
  9. TWD

    TWD Blown alky

    Jan 4, 2008
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    Maybe a bit too simple, but once you have pushed air into the burst panel pocket there is local high pressure there and this may just act as a natural deflector?
    Setting up an additional deflector may just cause further separation of fuel and air disturbing matters rather than improving it.
    If you want to control air flow exiting the blower you may want to consider guide vanes in the lower opening, but that probably requires setting the blower up much higher with a spacer to create enough space to make that work with some sort of efficiency. It probably also requires a degree in fluid dynamics so I wouldn't go there.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  10. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    A problem with shoes, deflectors, and other devices is that they usually lead to more fuel seperation, which is going to cause more problems.
  11. GTPerf

    GTPerf Member

    Oct 22, 2006
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    I have laid in bed at night thinking about this, wondering how to make it better,, I haven't had time or money to experiment with this but could you make a divider in the plenum some sort of modified dual plane to help the air return to the rear past the pie without running into it's self? is that how the shoe you are speaking about works?
  12. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    high helix manifold shoes

    We always ran one in our IHRA roots set up. works great with our Veney stuff. no more short rods in the front 4 cylinders. motor was much happier. we were 3inch wide 1.750 high sides 4 inch long and a 1 inch radius at the front. most of the boost comes out of the front 2 inches of the pie opening witch is why we made good gains opening up in front of the rotor more. then the later blowers came this way. we went right out and ran it all the way down the track. ended up taking some port nozzle away from the front and adding to the rear. works really well. Made the first one out off fabricated aluminum, they don't last! ended up using steel.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  13. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    And TRUST ME!!! I had a "glimps" of their Intake once!! hahaha And they ran WELL in IHRA!!! You guys ROCK Mark!!
  14. Eric N/FC

    Eric N/FC Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Interesting thread here..
    Would be nice to see some photos of shoes:D
  15. Kamikaze85

    Kamikaze85 Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    How far would I need to set the blower back, in order for all cylinders to be even?
  16. h2b puller

    h2b puller Member

    Feb 8, 2008
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    It"s almost impossible to get the cilinders even with a standart manyfold due the pie shape of the outlet at a high-helix blower, we use a 10" setback with a standart manyfold and use on some cilinders different rocker arm ratios and dished valves.
    I"m not a fan to put shorter rods in an engine, we run veney heads and these heads like to have the piston almost touching the chamber (we have tried with a shorter rod, but it makes less power)
    you can get it almost even with a setback manyfold with long intake runners(like the veney setback manyfold) only bad thing is you loose a couple pounds of boost due the the large intake manyfold volume.

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