Weather in the Pacific Northwest and the Lucas Oil Series

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Cap Racing, May 28, 2011.

  1. Cap Racing

    Cap Racing New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I don't understand why they continue starting the NHRA Divisional schedule so early in the Northwest. What's the big rush? I heard someone mention that they saw some snow flakes in Boise and of course they are getting rain in Mission BC as usual this weekend. We use to hit the Mission race every year but finally I gave up because they could never contest that event without some rain which of course keeps the spectators away and wastes time and money. If it were up to me I would start the schedule in June in Boise and end it in early October in Medford. I know there still could be a little rain at times but this on going problem would be minimized quite a bit.
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  2. Inspector 12

    Inspector 12 Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Interesting that both of the races you mention as being problematic weather wise were completed by Sunday. In both cases as I recall maybe one round of qualifying was lost to weather?

    While weather early in the year can be dicey, there is also the effort to avoid other adjoining division schedules so changing race dates is a much more complicated effort than it seems on the surface. Guess that is one of the reasons I am glad I just tech at the events instead of planning them.

    Kerry J Div 6
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Last time we raced a division race there was in 1999 and it was also in May. Firiday and Saturday we had rain, snow and even a lightning strike behind our trailer. With all the weather we ended up running 2 qualifying runs and all three rounds on Sunday. Long day, but turned out well worth it in the end.

    With the border hassles and potential for weather we've never gone back.
  4. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Mission does have a big decision to make. You you go for the more favorable month for weather or the chance for big record numbers in a bunch of the classes are gone.

    Tough call, but in the end the $ is more important.

    I love the fact that so many record have been broken at MRP
    Randy if the race was in July or August would you come. Or the border deal with one or more guys with potential issues the real cause. I am pissed that the border going both ways have made it difficult for many to cross. I have heard so many issues.

    But I also know many who have had problems with the law still make is across. Almost depends on the mood of any given border guard.
    Sort of like cop writing you a ticket, when you got away with the same speed the day before.

  5. Cap Racing

    Cap Racing New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    You want records? Have the national open in May and the divisional in late July or August. Then, you could still have your records in May. If I were a promoter, I wouldn't blink an eye and I would move that race when the chances of it being nice are the best. Mission is a great track and I don't begrudge anyone from going I'm just saying why not have it when you least likely don't have to deal with the rain?
  6. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Border guards

    I wonder why the border guards seem to have such all ending power. I thought Americans and Canadians both lived in democracies. The border gaurd I was confronted with asked if I had ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime. As I remember being arrested and charged doesn't automatically make a person guilty so why did she ask? I agree with Randy- between the weather and the border it is an iffy proposition now days, especially for the guys driving a long way with diesel costing over 4 bucks a gallon. I love the track at Mission and I truly enjoy hanging out with the Canadians, but I am not driving as far as some guys. Isn't Mission the last race left in Canada for the NHRA? How about a three day amnesty program for racers for NHRA events? We can use leaded gas for those of us who use gasoline and let my guys across the border. I promise to babysit them so they don't go all MacGuyver up there and make a nuke out of an ink pen and a safety pin. Dave Germain
  7. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    goverment employees

    last time I went north it was tougher to get back into the states. the hog working the border had a 100 questions as to where I was going and why. I made her nervous when I told her I worked with explosives! (she asked). :eek: Hmm maybe I could work on a injected nitro car?:D
  8. bob szabo

    bob szabo FC / altered

    Jun 30, 2005
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    free air density & DA info listed by track

    log onto for free air density, density altitude, corrected and uncorrected barometer, grains of water, and air density 3 day forecast. Look up "Tracks" from a pull-down menu to get a list for racing all over the US & Canada. If the track is missing, put in a request, and it should appear shortly.

    A free air density calculator is also available at
    Any of this web info can be viewed on any web ready device.

    Bob Szabo
    (916) 419 6649
  9. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Thanks for coming up here Dave! We like hanging with you too. As we talked about, our borders are harder to get through either way. Doesn't make it a lot of fun for some especially when they get through one year and not the next.

    The old days are never coming back though......

    I would say we will say hello in Seattle next.

    thank you
  10. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    The density altitude info from around the country looks to be useful for getting a rough car setup before leaving home for tracks not visited in the past. In looking at our local track info it says Mission BC is at 393 odd feet of elevation....I think that might be more like 39 feet.
    Good info though from Mr Szabo.
    Jeff Johnsen
  11. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Thanks Dale,

    I really love going to Canada, it's just like traveling to an whole different country. Lol. I wanted to thank Dale for looking in on us. I keep thinking that I have been doing this long enough to start being competitive but my on track performance certainly doesn't reflect that. One of these days I will get this figured out and I am sure it will be with the help of someone like Dale Finch. Dave Germain
  12. Cap Racing

    Cap Racing New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Dave, drag racing is such that as soon as you figure it out...a whole new problem you have never heard of before sets in. It's just the nature of these beasts! The thing is Dave you're out there doing it and having fun.

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