Attn all alky racers, more trouble:

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Rich110A/F, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Rich110A/F

    Rich110A/F Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    I just finished gettin my ass kicked 1st rd @ Bradenton div 2 race. Went to tower n got my ass kicked again!!!!
    $300 1st rd loser!!!!
    $600 2nd rd loser!!!!
    Full 8 car field!!!
    We thought div races sucked before, this is embarrassing!!
    Divisionu director blamed track operators voting to cut pay or cut ALKY!!!
    No racers were aware until gettin to track, was posted on div 2 site on 1/24
    This is not a good precedent when cheap lazy track operators dictate what we get paid!
    Obviously they don't want us down here! 2 div 2 tracks r nhra owned also if that means anything!
    Who do we complain too? ALKY advisory committee??
    Rich McPhillips Jr
  2. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    That is absolutely pathetic, shame on Div. 2 for not posting this sooner or involving the racers who participate....truly pathetic. I know the money means very little but that is just borderrline insulting. If the Divisionals cut their pay to this amount, I simply won't run them.

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #34
  3. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    That is embarrassing. How do they even have the balls to write that check?
  4. Savage

    Savage New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    I assure you... Bradenton is NOT owned by NHRA, and the more complaints they get, the closer it gets to ALL going away.. Sad but true..
  5. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Pay Outs

    Keep ragging on them,:( That will make your sponsors real happy,:rolleyes:
    Look in the stands! :p
    Quit Racing or S-T-F-U!
  6. Gizmo

    Gizmo Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    You're right, so much has been gained over the worlds history by saying or doing nothing. Do you even have a dog in the race that suggests you should tell people about their sponsors or to shut the fu*k up? From what I see on here you're a guy who used to do something but now tunes everyones irritation engine by sitting behind a computer screen. It is not the racers job to flood the stands, the racer pays for the car and everything associated with it. Bradenton, and all tracks for that matter, should look at what the Baders did at Norwalk, OH.

    Steve L.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  7. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Just another example of how to grow the class! SPEND LIKE A PRO ON RULES/SAFETY AND PAY LIKE A BRACKET RACE!..YUP MUST BE A HOBBY!
  8. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Is this a serious post?
  9. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    TOUCHÉ Steve your right not my call. :eek:

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Will this be a isolated incident,.?? IDK,..Sounds like you alky guys need to get
    a contract and signed by each track. atleast then you will have a choice to show up
    for peanuts, or take a chance for peanuts and know how much peanuts you will get.

    Everything Nowa days cost alot more than 5 , 10 years ago, your parts, your travels, your entry fees, your SFI bs,..then the pay out should go up a little, not ALOT DOWN.

    Your dog fight, not mine,...I feel really sorry for you guys. I can understand getting there and having the bomb dropped on you, but if you know ahead of time,.will then atleast you have a choice.

    The Egypt people did something about the poison in their Goverment,..Why cant you guys do something about the Card you hold in your wallet.

    ..No guarentees with anything,...Huh,..!!!!.....roll them dice.

    Wish you the best.

  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    coming or going...

    Did everyone have to pay entry or was entry free with a bronze, silver or gold card? Any free crew passes?

    Kind of like Division 4's deal $700 first round money after you spend about $300 in entry and crew passes.

    "The tracks said cut pay or cut alky"... next up "Cut pay by cutting alky"

    where are the "Gee Will, aren't you over reacting about this divisional deal" folks now?

    Alcohol racers better get off their ass and get a plan together to salvage what's left of the divisional deal or accept the fate of an all national series.

    It's been a broke system for years, I'm surprised it has lasted this long with the alcohol cars a part of it. The overwhelming majority of the tracks have shifted to the back-gate model. Agree with it or not, that's the decision most tracks have made. Now the alcohol cars are a big hit to the event's bottom line.

    The economy is putting the strain on the track from all directions. Weekly programs are down as well as divisional car counts. The money isn't what it used to be for the tracks, so they can't look past the money they lose on the alcohol cars like they used to. For a long time I think most of the track owners/operators knew how much a part of the divisional tradition the alcohol cars were as the premier category. They didn't want to fire the first shots of the battle that will eventually lead to the removal of alcohol cars from divisionals. Well there have been enough shots fired by track operators that now most track operators are standing together that something has to happen with the alcohol cars.

    Cuts in payout and increases in entry will continue until the alcohol payout is subsidized by entry fees/crew passes. That means payouts shrink or entries go up. Or both.

    What we are seeing now is the result of policy decisions made years ago by the divisions and tracks, and to some degree the series sponsor. The sponsor has little concern if there is spectators at their events, so NHRA has placed little pressure on the tracks to have spectators, and the easiest way for the track to make money (lowest risk to make return) is to have a back gate event. This has slowly been coming to a head. Now tracks are asking NHRA why they are being forced to pay for a 'headlining' class to draw a crowd for an event they aren't looking to draw a crowd for.

    I promise you a boycott would only make the track operators tickled like a pig in you know what. You think Bradenton was upset only 3 FC's showed? They nearly cut their payout in half.

    It's a broke system and it's been a broke system. I'm not defending the tracks by any means.

    The series has sucked for the racers for a while too. Some of the tracks leave a lot to be desired either on the racing surface, safety, pits, etc. The payout compared to the expense is terrible. Just like the tracks can say they are 'forced' to have the alcohol cars against their will, many alcohol racers are 'forced' to go to these events and on some occasions sub-standard tracks for points and just to be able to enter national events.

    The problem you have with trying to find a solution is there are too many different agendas with as many alcohol cars as there are out there. There's a group of racers that would just as soon just run the national series. Then there's a group of racers that just can't travel. They either don't have the means to travel far or they have the means but their business/jobs just don't allow the time it takes to travel. I think for fear of alienating the latter group, no significant changes have been made in regards to the alcohol cars at divisionals.

    What the racers need to do is to speak up either on this website, a racer's pit at the next event, or somewhere and we all need to work together to put a proposal together on how to make it work. I'm sorry, but the "Sportsman Council" deal has been little more than diversion for you to send your complaints since Len Imbrogno left a few years back. I don't think we need to leave the fate of this to the SRAC.

    Bottom line is we have to put something together, work with the series sponsor, NHRA and the tracks and make a package that all parties feel is an equitable deal again.

    Maybe they should let us in for free and race for trophies at the divisionals so it's less of an insult.
  12. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    What is Lucas (series sponsor) position on this?

  13. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Rich refered to div2 posting the payout change on 1/24? I can not find any info on this.
    any confirmation? Did div 1 and 3 do the same?
  14. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I don't know what Lucas' position is on this. I think they have been the series sponsor since 2002.

    I've been told that Lucas doesn't care about spectators at the divisionals because the participants are a great market for them alone. It's pretty evident there is little to no pressure from Lucas to the NHRA to improve spectator counts.

    I was also told that Lucas was discouraged that more alcohol racers don't run their oil if they don't give it to them.

    The current series sponsorship runs through 2012.

    On a side note, Jay Hullinger told me all of the Division 3 events plan to use the Bader model to pull a big crowd.
  15. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    What do the alky cars get from Lucas Oil that would push them into buying Lucas Oil? Does Lucas Oil provide the national purse?

    Not meant to be a barb on Lucas Oil, I'd just like to know.
  16. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I would be willing to bet Lucas funds most of the Championship purses and the Lucas series sponsorship probably helps pay for the ESPN2 coverage.
  17. Jimbo17

    Jimbo17 Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    3 fc's !!!!!!!!!!!

    The only reason I like to go and watch is to see the FC's run but when there are only three showing up I won't be going back anytime soon to see that kind of a show again.

    From the promoters point of view why even run the class for this type of turnout.


    Dec 2, 2004
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    I think Bradenton always has a low car count,.early in the year and location has alot to do with it im sure,..let alone the snowed in ares of the east coast or where ever.
    If there were 8 f/c`s and 8 TA/D`s to make a full field, the purse certainly shouldnt have changed from any other race tracks payout under the Lucas oil series....Unless I am wrong,..does the payout change track to track..?????...if that is the case that is bullshit !!!...Just my opinion

    Lucas use to do the deal of putting the large 10-12 inch Lucas crown decal on your car and you got your free lucas,.but then every body was doing it, and it probly burned threw more product than they wanted, and everybody wanted it for free, they quit with the exception of their closest friends or top 3 runners in each class, atleast that is how I saw it go down from 2004 to 2007,..dont know nowadays.

  19. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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  20. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Div 2

    It's going to be hard to get a car count when there is no Funny Cars that live in the geographic Division 2 other than Mark Billington and Steve Harker.

    Harker's car has been for sale for a while. I think he is scaling his race schedule back this year if his car doesn't sell.

    I don't know what Billington's plans are.

    In TAD 3 cars claimed Div. 2 last year. At Bradenton, only 2 of the 8 cars live in the geographic Division 2. Artie Allen and Don Fiorelli.

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