Lenco and clutch

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Iron Mike, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Thanks all who have helped me get to here. (see old posts)

    I have started to change the Lenco from a 4 speed back to a 3 speed.
    1.5616 ratio in 1 pack
    1.4383 ratio in 2 pack
    so 2.2460 First

    I have purchased a 3 plate ally crower pedal clutch with a lot of spare discs and floaters all freshly ground, tools and weights (need to get the scales).

    I have the small sprags (and 4 spare sprags) in the box. anone know what they are good for in HP? (thinking of changing to the large on the next service and was hoping to get by on the small for a while.

    I also have the course spline gears. Any issues.


    14/71 60* delta 20% over
    990 pump
    Big and Ugly tall with 5-9/16
    crower tripple plate (now)
    3 speed (as above)
    rear gear (to be desided)
    tyre 14-32 but looking at 15-33 if they can fit (putting in new tubs for the height) is it worth the change or should I get it in the rear gear?
    44mag with rev limiter box
    air throttle over cable (deaden bear air on air off)

    thats about it

    Thanks again
  2. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    My trans has coarse splines, never had problem. I would get rid of the small sprags, they fail at the wrong time (as usual).You will only need two large ones, not a huge investment. Some machining may be required (to set your shift pressure) but its basic.

    My 2 cents

  3. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I agree with Comax, put big sprags in right away. Your ratio's sound extremely high, I would start with a 1.90 or a 2.00 low gear if you can. What rear end gear are you running, and what tire/wheel? Also, how big is your clutch, 10 inch or 10.7? If you're going to put that big first gear in it, I would go to a 3.90 rear gear, but it will pull the motor down in the top end.
  4. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    10 inch crower
    curretn rear gear is 5.0 so that will need changing
    32 inch tyre
    3000lb only looking for 7.50ish over the 1/4

    just trying to use the gears that I have 1.5616, 1.4383 and 1.3815 (havn't checked if it makes a diff but this pack is the old 8 lug steels not the toothed style)

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