Attn every tad/tafc racer!

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I've brought this up several times, and I think I need to address every active TAD/TAFC competitor with this.

    With NHRA making a continued push to slow the fuel cars down and possibly return to the quarter mile, serious change to the Top Alcohol categories as we know it is likely inevitable.

    Let me clarify the situation so we're all on the same page.

    NHRA has made a strong effort to find a realistic, functional, economically viable way to slow the fuel cars down, presumably to return to 1320' racing. There has been a lot of attention given to the Wilkerson spec motor project, and just this past week, Cruz Pedregon tested a single mag 4 disc set up that seems more realistic. This combo went 4.37 at 287 in Vegas. To put that in context, Monroe Guest went 4.366 on his 5.16 A/FD pass in Vegas this past weekend.

    If any significant changes are made to the fuel cars, significant change to the alcohol categories will follow. However, if we don't come together as a collective and start taking a look at this situation, rather than go through a few different options and take their time like they did with the Top Fuel categories, we'll more than likely get a knee jerk change based on theory rather than testing or fact.

    We're not talking 1 or 2% nitro changes like we've seen over the past few years. We're talking fundamental changes that could render much of our equipment obsolete very quickly.

    If you remember the HD Partners attempted buyout of the NHRA, there was a provision that TAD would always maintain a 40 mph difference from Top Fuel. There was to be a 40 mph difference in the average of the top 20 Top Fuel speeds for the year and the average of the top 20 A/FD speeds for the year.

    Since there was no buyout, there is no regulation mandating this, one has to believe this is to be a guiding policy for NHRA.

    It's been widely stated that NHRA has a goal of around 300 mph top speeds if they return to 1/4 mile. So that means 260 mph has to be what 280 is today. Along those lines, a 15-20 mph reduction could be applied to TAFC to maintain disparity between TAFC and TFFC.

    That's where I need you the racers to get involved with this. The first step is to organize here on the website. With that, we will try to get NHRA to address what their intentions for us if they were to slow us down. From there we can start brainstorming viable options rather than NHRA just coming up with some arbitrary rule change the day after they announce the new TF rules.

    If you have no comment to contribute, but are concerned, please reply to this thread with your name, number, category with "I'm concerned"
  2. lambfunnycar

    lambfunnycar New Member

    Apr 12, 2009
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    Will, I have been stewing about this all year. I bought my car to run in IHRA. A week later IHRA announced there would be no TAFC class. So, I have sat out this year waiting to see if they would come back and the answer for 2010 is "NO." I am now spending money to upgrade to NHRA TAFC. $5K car upgrades, 20K screwblower and now with the talks of the new rules approx. $3-4k more. Now I am scared to buy anything, because I believe there is more changes coming. I do not want to go out and buy new equipment and then find out it is obsolete for 2010. Right now I am sitting back and waiting to hear what they are going to do. My fears are a total engine cubic inch change or a blower change. I agree, they will never let the alkys get close to the nitros.
    If anyone has any info. for 2010, I would like to know.
    Todd Lamb
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I'm a sceptic. That means Brad Personett's car will be faster than Frank Manzo's. So Pro Mod would need to take a hit, too?

    If 300 is the limit, most of us won't be much closer than 40 miles per hour where we stand today. Now I'm speaking strictly from a TA/FC perspective, but if they slow the classes Mike Edwards will be giving us a run for our money. Where does it stop? I think I heard Alan Reinhardt announce a super gas car that ran 10.09 at 187 miles per hour last weekend.

    I vote for 125% and two speeds. :D

  4. lambfunnycar

    lambfunnycar New Member

    Apr 12, 2009
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    Does anyone else get the feeling NHRA is trying to replace TAFC with the Pro Mods or is it just me?

    Randy, what would a TAFC run with the 125% and a 2 speed?

    I wonder how many people are regretting the screwblowers vs roots? I know the screw is easier to maintain itself, but what has the true season cost gone up to since? Just curious.

    Todd Lamb
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    We ran a best of 5.64 and as quick as 255 in 1999 basically running it like a 2 speed with the high gear shift no higher than 9,600 RPM and back then we were pretty stupid. Screw blowers weren't as tight and they didn't need to be with the overdrive we had. We shifted one-two at 7 tenths of a second and had a strong second gear with a lot of clutch.

    The cost went up as many predicted when the switch was made from 125% to 92% because the quality of the blower is a lot more critical and we have to shift it at 10,500 instead of 9,500 (which is tough on valve springs and rear main bearings). We lost 10 pounds of boost overnight. But the people or person who influenced the change said we were nuts as he was trying to save us from ourselves. Funny thing is, the lead guy on the charge to 92% has never and will never own or fund his own TA/FC.

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  6. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    And some of you wonder why I am selling EVERYTHING?! This was supposed to be "FUN":mad:
  7. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    that is why my car is for sale also,
    local pro mod is more pratical
  8. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Simple solution, Get rid of top fuel, and fuel funny car, give the alky funnys 125 % and A/fuel dragsters 100%, Let bad run the way they are now. A/Fuel runs aginst A/fuel Bads aginst Bads I'm sure the Insurances Co. will love it. :D:D
  9. lambfunnycar

    lambfunnycar New Member

    Apr 12, 2009
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    What do the racers have in mind?

    I would say there is going to be changed, but not knowing where, is the problem. Like I said, I am not buying anything more till I hear some final answers from NHRA.


    Oct 23, 2005
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    I am sure the boys in so-cal have a plan but the racers will be the last to know. And then two weeks later your tech director will know (maybe). Paul fishburn.
  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Randy -

    As far as FC goes, that depends on if FC will also run around 300, or lag behind the Top Fuelers as usual. If the Fuel FC avg speed is around 280-285, don't think for a minute they are going to let Frank run close to 270 and the rest of the pack around 260.

    I think if Personett or any other Turbo car gets much faster, they probably face a rules change anyway to bring them back to the pack in Pro Mod.

    I would love to be wrong on this one, I really would. I'd love for NHRA to tell us they have no plans to change TAD/TAFC no matter what they do, and mean it.

    However, can we just sit by and hope, or trust prescedence, in that they've always tried to keep a noticable gap in the fuel and alcohol categories....
  12. td314b

    td314b New Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    I am concerned about what other changes may be coming down the pipe. This is going to be my first year in TAD and I am not buying a screw charger. I am going to keep my M5 Roots blower on my car and see what changes occur. I have to believe that they are not going to allow TAD or TAFC to be anywhere near what the Fuel boys are running. Look at Top Dragster in NHRA. I ran IHRA because they would not allow a T/D to run under 6 seconds in NHRA and they allowed screw blowers on T/D cars. If they do slow down the cars then my Roots will be more then capable of being able to compete.

    I certainly do not want to purchase a screw blower and then find out that they knocked the overdrive down so far that my roots would have been just fine to get the job done. Just my 2 cents! I hate to see them slow everyone down but I think it is inevitable. The scary part is how they do it!

    Troy Stone
    TAD 314B
  13. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    I'm sure any o.d. change to the screw will be followed by a hit to the roots blower as well. I would say the only thing that the blown guys would get hit with is o.d.. They could mandate some kind of box that regulates a max amount of timing.....who knows....just have to get some thinner head gaskets!:cool:

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #323
  14. lambfunnycar

    lambfunnycar New Member

    Apr 12, 2009
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    Who are the high powers in NHRA who will decide this? How do we reach them? It would be nice to try and pin them down to a time frame of when the will decide everything, so we do not have to wait till March to figure out what to do.

    If they are going to continue to classify these cars as a "Sportsman's" category, than treat us like sportsman, not pros or change the class to pro recognition. Just my 2 cents.

    Todd Lamb
  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I've got an email out to some decision makers that are usually candid with me to see if I'm totally out of line or if this is realistic.
  16. wildman

    wildman Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    I'm done with 'em

    disclaimer: I am not a TAD or TAFC driver or owner (yet)

    This is my take on the deal. Will, you are absolutely right with the TA and nitro disparity. They WILL put the hit to you guys. But, what makes TA neat is that not everyone is running the SAME THING. I am (was :( ) a fuel fan but lets face it, they all run the exact same stuff. What I see happening is you guys selling all your equipment to the fuel guys. Just make sure you hit them for 50% over cost. :) Bottom line is, and I've said this before, NHRA always takes a knee jerk reaction to a problem and solves it the wrong way. Cars too fast? NO. Tracks too short... some maybe. Better ways to get them woed... you bet. The burst panel/parachute thing is the best idea yet.
  17. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Shouldn't we wait till changes ARE MADE before we assume what changes will be mandated by the A-Fuelers?? 90% of the TAFC's and the Blown TAD's run 255-260 anyway, sure a few run close to 270 but how many? Lets not jump the gun here.
  18. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    This won't just affect A/Fuelers, and it won't be 1-2% like we've seen over the past few years. What would you have us wait on? Wait for them to make the decision next year, then a few days later, say AFD will be 88%, BAD will be 1.92 OD, TAFC 1.83 OD?

    If we can get NHRA to give us some direction on this, and get some awareness among the racers, maybe NHRA will give us a goal and work with the Crew Chiefs to come up with some ideas/solutions that will be practical and work within the framework NHRA gives us.

    Or we can wait for them to give us a rule that was as 'cheap' as the 92% over rule for the racers. Remember how that was going to work just fine and save everyone money? Problem is, once that change takes hold, if there is a better solution, it's too late because everyone has spent the money to get the new parts for the new rules. Case in point, once everyone bought new ratios, fuel systems, rod/piston/stroke/bore changes for 92 OD, it would have been another huge expense for most to go back to 125 OD because most people sold a lot of that to pay for the new stuff. Not to mention all the crap people blew up trying to learn the new combo.

    With some heads up and some time, maybe we can head off a potential TERRIBLE idea they may hand down and counter it with a better solution.

    ANYTHING is better than just sitting back and waiting for them to tell us what they're going to change.

    Even if NHRA wasn't worried about the performance gap, trust me, PRO - the Professional Racers Organization is not going to let us get that close to them.

    I really hope this is nothing more than a ill-fated discussion on this board. What if I'm right?
  19. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Economic method

    Just some opinions and I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here.

    If this is going to happen the most economic way in my opinion would probably be to simply limit overdrive in the screw cars so it's comparable w/ a roots car. I have been saying this for a while now but if they had done this when IHRA was killed in action a lot of people would have been better off. They wouldn't have had to sell there new PSI roots blowers for next to nothing and shell out $10,000 to make a change, several large IHRA teams have sat out now. A good example is Laurie Cannister. Great driver, Great person, and a great team. With a roots blower though NHRA is a no go as far as ever going far in a race.

    The Cons:
    If they did do this the down side is obvious if your a screw blown car, New tuneup adjustments, New blower pulley (Not a big deal), slower car, and more competition from Roots guys now. The good side is no major changes or large spending required on parts changes, and you can still have your fingers intact from not re stripping blowers all day.

    The positive side of things for a roots guy is also obvious. We can run competitively without spending $10,000 to convert, we can use all are old tuneup info, we have a place to run viably now. Roots blower market comes back up, teams that have sat out can now race again. I have no bad side that I can think of except for sliced fingers from re stripping blowers and if I bang a rotor my repair bill goes way up.

    Mutual good of the sport:
    Car counts should come up, which means bigger pots hopefully. Fans will get a better show as it won't be the same 2 or 3 guys winning all the time. There will be more attention to the class which may keep us from getting bumped on TV for World series of oh my god I died of boredom or pre school-Tee ball. Some of IHRA's big alky names may come back. Best of all no one has to make significant changes to there cars. Maybe just maybe....(going out on a big limb here) but maybe NHRA will have a little more respect for us.

    Just my thoughts,
    Trevor Sherwood
  20. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    So you penalize the screw guys who have been running the class and made it what it is....then let roots blowers come in and be competitive from the get go? I think that would surely piss off several people. True, pulleys are cheap...who cares about that cost. I'm talking the cost of torching heads and banging blowers...all the fun stuff.....and a roots car can just pick up where they left off? I'm not saying NHRA is smart...but they're not that dumb.

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #323
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009

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